Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Families, Yet another busy week at Shepherd! Wednesday’s PTA meeting was well-attended and productive, and last night we had our first virtual Back to School Meeting with 5th grade families, which was successful due to strong parent participation, thorough teacher planning and optimism all around. Please find the schedule for the remaining grade-level back to school nights below. We look forward to seeing you. Next Monday and Tuesday, we will have additional pick up for K-5 students. Pre-K, the iPads are at the warehouse and won’t be delivered until late next week. I will send an announcement for PK pick up once devices are in. Please stay tuned, and I apologize for the delay. As a reminder, students and teachers in your student’s classroom enter your home each day. Please be mindful of language, discussions and attire in your home when your student is in school. We have had a few incidents that made teachers and students uncomfortable. I am happy to discuss this further if you have any questions. Please see the announcements below, and have a wonderful weekend! Phyllis Shepherd Virtual Learning Expectations: -Students are expected to be ready with materials to learn at the beginning of each class period … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Hi Shepherd families, Thanks to the MANY parents, teachers, and staff who joined us last night for our first PTO virtual meeting of the school year. Attached is the PPT we presented with some valuable information. This will also be posted on our school website.  20200916-PTO-Meeting.pdf Wanted to bring special attention to the call for PTO board members and LSAT representatives, as well as the PTO budget and bylaws for review. Click here to see the DRAFT documents.  We are extending the deadline for PTO and LSAT nominations until Mon, Sept 21. Please send your name, position of interest, and a brief statement about yourself to The PTO board member positions are for 1-year terms as follows: Two (2) Co-President positions, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer. If you want further details on the responsibilities for each role, you can read the proposed bylaw descriptions of each office at this link (see pgs 3-4 in the document).  Online voting info and deadlines coming by end of Sept. All those in AtoZ Connect database will be eligible to vote. If you are receiving these emails, you are registered already. THANKS!

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Back-To-School ZOOM Sessions by Grade Level – SEE DATES AND LINKS BELOW! In place of our big in-person gathering we usually hold every September, Dr. Hedlund, Mrs. Rottman and the teachers will be hosting grade-level sessions to meet the teachers, orient parents for the school year and share expectations. See dates and Zoom links below to join your student’s session. Sept. 17 from 6:00-7:00 p.m.–5th Grade Topic: Fifth Grade Open House  Time: Sep 17, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)  Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 849 6691 9550  Passcode: eWsaM8  Sept. 21 from 6:00-7:00 p.m.–Kindergarten Topic: Kindergarten Open House  Time: Sep 21, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)  Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 832 2821 3201  Passcode: MH4hUt Sept. 22 from 6:00-7:00 p.m.–3rd Grade Topic: 3rd Grade Open House  Time: Sep 22, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)  Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 821 1404 4851  Passcode: mCfHQ6  Sept. 23 from 6:00-7:00 p.m.–2nd Grade Topic: 2nd Grade Back to School Night  Time: Sep 23, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)  Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 812 0852 0379  Passcode: 2cF7Y4  Sept. 24 from 6:00-7:00 p.m.–4th Grade Topic: Fourth … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Families, For me, remembering the 19th anniversary of 9/11 during this pandemic is staggering. Many of those who were babies when that tragedy occurred are about to vote for the first time, and across the country, cities are honoring the victims and heroes today. As I greet families as they enter the building, I realize how much everyone has going on in their lives aside from the pandemic and how much more difficult it is to endure challenges under these conditions. In our community, people have lost family members, moved, undergone surgeries and illnesses, and experienced personal anguish for a variety of reasons. Thank you for the patience and grace you have shown us and each other as we move through these times. Our teachers and families have been positive, upbeat and supportive, and this is what makes Shepherd the very special community it is. It was great to see a number of you yesterday and today picking up learning materials. We will be distributing materials again on Monday from noon to 5:00 pm. A lot of this week’s information is a repeat of last week’s but good to have on hand. I hope to see many of you at the … Read More

Note from the Chancellor

Taryn Losch-BeridonChancellor Notes

Dear DCPS Families, It brings me joy to welcome you to a new school year at DC Public Schools! The start to every school year presents new opportunities and challenges, and we are grateful to our entire school community for your patience as we adjust to all-virtual instruction this fall. I am excited by what is happening this week across the DCPS community: Students are receiving warm greetings from our educators — including some in song and virtual recess!Schools are having office hours and setting up “genius bars” to support online learning.Families are navigating new routines with grace and excitement.Our greater community continues to advocate for our students and families.This week, our teachers launched virtual classrooms across the district, powered by nearly 10,700 Canvas Course Companions using the DCPS curriculum. Our K-12 students are logging online each day to meet with teachers, participate in live lessons, or access learning materials. Tech Tips for Learning at Home We want to make sure every student can use their technology device to learn at home. Follow this link for easy-to-follow directions about how to “Log On, Get Ready, and Go!” From using a new computer to becoming familiar with Canvas, we recognize families … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Families, Thank you for your patience and support during our first week of school. We did our best to address all the challenges students faced logging on, raising their hands and having access to devices. From what I have observed, instruction is as strong as ever, and we will continue to fine tune as we go along. Please continue to share your feedback. It is the only way for us to improve your student’s experience. As always, I hope that everyone is back in the building soon. They are putting finishing touches on the gymnasium and the cafeteria. The artists will be installing their work soon. We have a lot to look forward to! During our pre-service week, the staff agreed on some norms for virtual learning. Please see those expectations below. We appreciate your support as we try to make virtual learning as productive as possible. Shepherd Virtual Learning Expectations: -Students are expected to be ready with materials to learn at the beginning of each class period with all necessary materials (electronic device, charger, paper, pencils, etc.) -Students should be seated upright, on task, listening actively, and following directions in quiet space designated for learning. -Unless a student … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

WELCOME BACK! We’re wishing everyone a warm welcome to the start of a very unique school year. We know there will be some hiccups along the way as we get started, but we’re excited to get going and get back in a groove. We’re missing your faces, but know we’ll see each other at least virtually soon! A HUGE THANKS to our teachers, staff, students and parents/families who are working closely together to kick off the school year! PTA Board and LSAT Nominations – due by Fri, Sept 18 Our PTA board and LSAT elections will happen electronically by the end of Sept. You must be registered on AtoZ Connect to vote. All interested candidates for the PTA Board or LSAT should submit a brief statement of interest to by Friday, September 18.  PTA board positions open to all candidates: Co-Presidents (2), Vice President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary and Recording Secretary. 7 positions in total. LSAT is a mix of teachers, non-instructional staff, parents and community members who help to advise the Principal on school direction, budget, goals, metrics, etc. We are awaiting guidance from DCPS on LSAT next steps, but know there will be several parent slots for this year’s LSAT, including one of the … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Hi Shepherd families, Looking forward to seeing everyone this week!  Here is a helpful guide for parents and caregivers to support virtual learning. The guide contains information about Canvas, student schedules, requesting a device, family wellness and more. Below is also a DCPS Tech FAQ for a quick review.  SY20-21 DCPS Technical Support Frequently Asked Questions.pdf Expanded Meal Sites For Students While learning at home is taking place, student meal service will be free at 47 DCPS schools around the District. Meals consist of an entrée, fruit serving and/or vegetable serving, and a milk. DCPS students may visit any DCPS meal site of their choosing to receive a free meal. DCPS meal service is open every Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Review the list of all locations at Technical Support For Families We know that technical questions or troubleshooting needs may arise when learning at home. DCPS and the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) are partnering to provide a family-facing technical support center. The Family Call Center will launch on Monday, August 31. We can be your first point of contact re: tech issues on the school level.  Instructional Coach Ms. Moorefield (K-1st grade – Assistant Principal … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Families, This has been a very busy week for Shepherd staff as they have been working to set up their virtual classrooms and learning how to do so almost simultaneously. We also spent some time with Ms. Mack, our International Baccalaureate Coordinator, on a virtual IB program. Yesterday we spent the morning launching two book studies for the year. Staff will be reading the Responsive Classroom text, The Power of Our Words, which offers practical tips, real-life anecdotes and concrete examples on how to use your words to build a positive classroom community and increase student engagement. We also will be reading Glenn Singleton’s Courageous Conversations About Race: A field guide for achieving equity in schools, which explains the need for candid, courageous conversations about race so that educators may understand why achievement inequality persists and learn how they can develop a curriculum that promotes true educational equity and excellence. We are excited about learning together to build a kinder, more equitable school community, and I will provide highlights along the way. Please see below for important information for Monday. Everything your student(s) need to participate will be on Canvas; please see the log in instructions. If you are experiencing log in … Read More

Virtual Open Houses Cancelled for August 27th

Taryn Losch-BeridonAnnouncements

Due to updates in Aspen in prep for school starting on Monday, DCPS students can log in to Canvas, but they will not be able to link to a classroom by the time we’d scheduled open houses this afternoon. We are cancelling our open houses this afternoon for that reason. Our apologies for the late notice, and we will see everyone on Monday morning!