Safety, Security, and Emergency Procedures
The School Emergency Response Plan and Management Guide prepares schools to respond to emergencies including weather, natural disasters and threats involving weapons. If an emergency occurs during the school day, know that the staff has been trained to evacuate, shelter in place or take the appropriate measures depending on the situation. Shepherd students and staff participate in monthly fire drills, two lockdown drills, and one earthquake drill. Whenever possible, the Shepherd Principal will notify families before a drill occurs. Some drills, however, are unannounced for safety reasons. In case of a building evacuation, Shepherd students and staff will report to either Ohev Shalom at 1600 Jonquil Street NW or Tifereth Israel at 7701 16th Street NW.

Security Officer
Shepherd’s security officer works with the staff to ensure that students are physically safe at all times. He/she will conduct security patrols and be posted at the front door, receiving visitors and monitoring cameras.
School/Classroom Visitors
All school visitors must sign in and obtain a visitor’s pass at the security desk. All visitors must adhere to the posted visitor’s policy, which includes showing identification and then reporting to the main office. A “Visitor” badge will be given to each guest that must be worn at all times within the building. There is a 100% ID check policy. This is to ensure the safety and welfare of all students. Classroom visits or observations MUST be scheduled in advance. Thank you in advance for cooperating.