Foreign Languages
Shepherd has invested in world language programming from the early childhood level through fifth grade to prepare students to become global citizens. Shepherd is the only DCPS elementary school offering language instruction both French and Spanish 90 to 135 (FLES) minutes per week.
We believe that building language proficiency through rich and engaging units of study provides students with a foundation of skills that are transferable and build a lifelong passion for language learning.
Our world language instruction is aligned with the national ACTFL (American Council on The Teaching of Foreign Language) World Readiness Standards as well as the IB language requirement, which seek to link culture and communication through language learning.
Student Experience
Upon entering Shepherd, students select between French or Spanish language and remain to their language track until graduation. In each grade, students have the opportunity to read, write, speak and listen in French or Spanish and to interact in all modes of language learning: interpersonal, interpretive and presentational.
As part of our rigorous curriculum, students are exposed to multiple authentic learning activities through field trips, international visitor's presentations, international school partnerships, as well as a variety of cultural exposures/events to enrich their language learning experiences.