Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Morning Arrival

  • The entrance to the school building opens at 8:20 am.
  • To ensure the safety of your children, parents should stay with their children until 8:20 when teachers are on duty.
  • Pre-K (3) students will enter on the Jonquil side of the school. Staff will be at the door to receive students
  • Pre-K (4) students will enter through the front right-side door (A wing door). Staff will be at the door to receive students
  • Grades K-5 Students will enter through the main entrance. Staff will be there to receive students
  • All students will be offered breakfast at that time. Breakfast will be served from 8:20-8:40
  • Students are late after 8:45 am and should report to the Welcome Center for a tardy slip.

Afternoon Dismissal

  • The doors to the building open at 3:15 pm for dismissal.
  • Carpool: We are asking that all parents who have chosen the Carpool option to please stay in the car for pick up. Please know students will be brought to your car. When families are getting out of the car this slows down the carpool practice.
  • Walkers: are dismissed on the Jonquil side of the building
    • Students who are asked to walk to the Rec center must have that in writing. If you would like for your student to walk to the Rec afterschool, please provide an email, remind message or hard copy letter to the teacher. Students who do not have this in writing will not be allowed to walk to the Rec. Center.
    • Parents of 5th grade students and their younger sibling(s) who walk home must complete a self-dismissal form.
  • Parent Pick-up:
    • Pre-K (3) students will exit on the Jonquil side. Staff will be there to retrieve students
    • Pre-K (4) Students will exit from the front right-side door. Once at the door, families are asked to state their student’s name. Staff will then retrieve students from their class
    • K-2 Students will line up outside in the main courtyard (during inclement weather they will wait in the school’s atrium). Students can be picked up from their teacher at that time.
    • 3-5 students will exit through the multi-purpose doors facing Jonquil. For pick-ups you may go to the grade level door to retrieve a student.
  • Students enrolled in Star Achievers After Care program are picked up from their classroom for grades PK-1st. 2nd-5th graders will report to the cafeteria.
  • Students must have all of their books and belongings, as they will not be allowed to return to the building (or classrooms) following dismissal.
  • Please note our Early Pick-up Dismissal will end at 2:45. There will be no early pick-ups allowed from 2:45-3:15
  • Students who have not been picked up by 3:25 pm will be taken to the main office.

Early Dismissal

  • Parents or guardians must report to the office and sign the “Early Dismissal” book before a student may be allowed to leave the school grounds.
  • No student may leave the school grounds without being signed out by an authorized person.
  • Parents should not go to the classroom to pick up a child, and a teacher will not release a student until s/he receives a call from the office.
  • Whenever possible, please send a note if an early dismissal is needed. This practice will assist the teacher in making arrangements so that disruptions in the school day are minimized. Email your child’s teacher before noon if your child’s dismissal plan will change. After noon, call the Welcome Center so the change can be communicated to your child’s teacher.