Helloooo Families!We have a lot cooking at Shepherd this week! Easy ways to contribute to a few families in need, make a little $$ for the Shepherd PTA, and enjoy a night off!BAKE SALE – TODAY – from 3:30-6 pm in the AtriumPlease donate baked goods and drop them off anytime before 3 pm TODAY in the Resource Center room behind the main office area. Mark your Tupperware/tins and we’ll leave them back there for pick up on Tues., Dec 4.This effort is a long-standing Shepherd Elementary tradition and is part of our Shepherd Gives Back effort. We’re donating the money raised to support the Shepherd Park Citizen’s Association (SPCA) Holiday Hope and a Home children’s program! If you can’t donate baked goods or come by for the sale, we’d gladly take financial donations to support the cause.Potbelly RESTAURANT NIGHT – TUESDAY from 5-8pmCome join us on Tuesday, December 4th, from 5 to 8PM at Potbelly’s, located at 917 Ellsworth Drive in Silver Spring for dinner in or takeout for your evening meal. Potbelly’s will donate 25% of sales to Shepherd Elementary for every sale with a presented flyer. Don’t forget to bring a copy of the attached flyer with … Read More
PTO Bulletin
Good evening, Mustang families!Hoping you all had a lovely and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday!And now back to our regularly scheduled program…TOMORROW (Monday, Dec 2) is the first of our monthly teacher/staffbreakfasts and tomorrow it is provided by the 3rd grade families. Seehere for sign up and dates for the remaining breakfasts! Drop offfood/drinks in the teacher’s lounge anytime before 8:45 am. We lovedoing something extra special for our teachers and staff!FRIDAY (Dec 6) is the Annual Shepherd Bake Sale! Sign up here todonate a baked good – remember, no peanuts or peanut products! Allproceeds will go to help Shepherd families in need during the holidayseason. Many thanks to Jasmine Riley for leading this effort!MANY THANKS!The Shepherd PTA team
PTO Bulletin
Hi Mustang Families,We hope you all enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving and are ready to kick off a busy December with us and join in the many activities we have going on during the next few weeks!And speaking of holidays, go buy a wreath or some garland from Lynch Creek Farms for your home…we’re getting 20% back on every purchase and our goal is $1000!Paint, Sip and Support – THIS Fri, Nov 30 at 6:30 pmJoin 25 of your parent friends and Mr. Garner for an evening of painting (and wine!) to support Shepherd! $30 per person and max is 25 people to fit in the art studio comfortably. Sign up before all the spots are taken! Snacks and wine will be provided; but feel free to bring a bottle to share! Meet in the Art Room by 6:30 pm.Parents’ Night Out @Shepherd – Fri, Dec 7 at 6:30-10 pmEnjoy a night out while the kids have fun with their friends! We’re working with Star Achievers to provide childcare and we’ll have fun arts and crafts, sports activities in the multipurpose room, and an Incredibles 1 and 2 movie screening!$40 for the first child and $30 for a sibling – open … Read More
PTO Bulletin
Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and a lovely and restful time with your family and friends. The Shepherd PTA would like to THANK YOU for ALL your support and hard work so far this year and say one more time how thankful we are to have such an engaged and supportive parent community! Cheers!All the best,Liz BradleyShepherd PTA PresidentShopping for Shepherd – AmazonBefore you start getting crazy online on Black Friday and Cyber Monday on Amazon, make sure you have Shepherd’s Amazon Smile link in your browser. .5% of every purchase goes back to Shepherd…every little bit helps!End-of-the-Year DONATIONS – SUPPORT SHEPHERDAs you finish year-end donations or have an employer that is doing corporate matches or an employee giving campaign, we’d love for you to consider Shepherd PTA as one of your charities of choice. Donate to the 180 Fund and your teachers and children will thank you! The Shepherd Elementary School PTA is a 501(c)(3) tax- exempt organization. Tax ID No. 47-0879109.Monthly Teacher and Staff Breakfast – Mon, Nov 26 – Second GradeHey Second Grade Families – it’s your turn this month to bring in the monthly teacher and staff breakfast. Here is the sign-up link and many … Read More
PTO Bulletin
Hello Mustang Parents,The results from our Parent PTA Survey we fielded in Sept/Oct told us you want to hear more about what the PTA does and spends money on during the year. So, in response…here is a short overview of our activities and efforts so far this year! We really appreciate your support, engagement, response, and confidence as we’ve gotten started and are now moving quickly.We have A LOT planned for the rest of November and December, so make sure to scroll down to the calendar!Many thanks and appreciation,Liz BradleyLaunched the PTA Teacher Assistance Program:GOAL – Formalize and bring more equity to teacher requests for PTA support, includes classrooms, specials, teams, special projects, etc.Q1 requests funded:PK3 – supplies/materials for both classesPK4 – magazine subscriptions for both classes; VGA Smart Board cord for Mrs. HoltPE – basketball pump for Mr. LangrockMusic – 30 headphones for keyboards in the music roomSpecial Education – reading intervention program for grade levels K-5Q2 forms due on Dec 15; we have a budget of $1000 per quarter to fulfill requestsFunding Teacher Wish Lists:We did SO WELL at Fall Fest, that we’re able to increase the amount we had budgeted and can now begin to fulfill Wish … Read More
PTO Bulletin
Well, you’re getting the Wednesday PTA Bulletin on Thursday thanks to Halloween! Hope everyone had a FUN and SAFE night…and we hope you all stop by tomorrow evening for a movie, popcorn and snacks at school!“Coco” Movie & PJ Night – TOMORROW – Friday, Nov 2 – 6:15 pm (doors open)Come join us for a low-key movie night to watch “Coco” at school tomorrow, Friday, Nov 2. We invite you to wear your PJs, bring a blanket or a folding chair, buy some popcorn and come have fun! Doors open at 6:15 pm and movie starts at 6:30 pm in the Multipurpose room. The event is FREE and open to all! Concessions and Shepherd gear will be on sale, and donations are welcome.Bulb Planting – Saturday, Nov 10 – 9 am-noonBring your whole family to the fall bulb planting at Shepherd. We will be planting bulbs, weeding, cleaning, and preparing the gardens for the winter. We will have a few shovels and gloves, but feel free to bring your own and/or a package of daffodils, tulips, hyacinths to add to the mix. Thanks to Simon Messing and Julia Marnon Lipton for organizing!Lynch Creek Farms Holiday FundraiserLynch Creek Farms offers elegant, … Read More
PTO Bulletin
Hi everyone – we’re busy around here these days and super excited by all the fun things we have planned! Thanks for your help, participation, support and donations. Looking forward to an AMAZING Fall FEST on Oct 20!Walk to School Day TODAY – GREAT SUCCESS!Thanks to everyone who joined us for Walk to School Day and for the PTA Health and Wellness Committee for organizing! We had roughly 60 parents and students join from 3 locations. It was fun to meet new friends and get some exercise in this morning. Check out our Facebook page @Shepherd Elementary School DC to see some great pics from the event.PTA MEETING – Wed, Oct 17 at 6:30 pmJust a reminder, we’ll be meeting next Wednesday in the Multipurpose Room to discuss Fall Fest, Parent Survey results, upcoming PTA activities/events and Q1 PTA Teacher Assistance opportunities.FALL FEST – 10 days and counting…Sat, Oct 20 from 12-4 pmDon’t wait in line to buy tickets…get your Family Sponsorship package and other pre-sale tickets NOW – https://www.shepherd-elementary.org/fall-fest/Sign up for volunteer shifts at your child’s class station – https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0e4eaeae29a1fc1-shepherdCoco Movie Night – Fri, Nov 2 at 6:30 pm in the Multipurpose RoomThe PTA is hosting a Movie Night … Read More
PTO Bulletin
Hi everyone – we’re busy around here these days and super excited by all the fun things we have planned! Thanks for your help, participation, support and donations. Looking forward to an AMAZING Fall FEST on Oct 20!Walk to School Day TODAY – GREAT SUCCESS!Thanks to everyone who joined us for Walk to School Day and for the PTA Health and Wellness Committee for organizing! We had roughly 60 parents and students join from 3 locations. It was fun to meet new friends and get some exercise in this morning. Check out our Facebook page @Shepherd Elementary School DC to see some great pics from the event.PTA MEETING – Wed, Oct 17 at 6:30 pmJust a reminder, we’ll be meeting next Wednesday in the Multipurpose Room to discuss Fall Fest, Parent Survey results, upcoming PTA activities/events and Q1 PTA Teacher Assistance opportunities.FALL FEST – 10 days and counting…Sat, Oct 20 from 12-4 pmDon’t wait in line to buy tickets…get your Family Sponsorship package and other pre-sale tickets NOW – https://www.shepherd-elementary.org/fall-fest/Sign up for volunteer shifts at your child’s class station – https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0e4eaeae29a1fc1-shepherdCoco Movie Night – Fri, Nov 2 at 6:30 pm in the Multipurpose RoomThe PTA is hosting a Movie Night … Read More
PTO Bulletin
All Your Fall Fest Information! On Saturday, October 19th, Shepherd Elementary School will host its fall fundraiser – Fall Fest! The event will be held at the school from 12-4 pm. There will be food, music, and games. Fall Fest is fun for everyone, and we need our school community’s participation to make this event great! Come take a station shift for 30 mins, buy tickets, buy new gear that will be on sale, bring your friends and family, come dunk Mr. Garner in the dunking booth, and meet new families! If you’d like to volunteer for this event, click here (https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080d45a9af29a4ff2-2019). During Fall Fest 2018 we raised more than $18,000! To be successful again this year, we need your help! Your dollars go toward classroom materials and supplies for teachers, IB training for new teachers, IB materials for our students, a field trip for every grade level, the music book and materials for this year’s Spring Musical, resources for social emotional learning initiatives and more. We encourage you to purchase a Family Sponsor Package and your donation of $100 will include the following: 1 wrist band that includes UNLIMITED ACCESS to games, moon bounce, and rock wall! 25 tickets 4 beverage coupons Shepherd Elementary School water … Read More
PTO Bulletin
WALK TO SCHOOL DAY – Wed, Oct 10 Join Shepherd’s PTA and the Health and Wellness committee, along with students, parents and staff for this “before school” event. Participation is easy – just walk to school! Either walk from home along your customary route or meet us at one of three meet-up locations to join a “walking school bus” led by parent volunteers. The meet-up locations are: – Marvin Caplan Park at the corner of Alaska Avenue and Holly Street NW. The walking school bus leaves promptly at 8:10 am. Principal Brawley will be the walking captain of this group. – The triangle park at the corner of Luzon Avenue and Van Buren Street NW. This walking school bus leaves promptly at 8:00 am. WE NEED A WALKING CAPTAIN HERE. – Lowell Field area at the corner of Kalmia and 17th Streets NW. This walking school bus leaves promptly at 8:10 am. Liz Bradley will be the walking captain of this group. WE NEED YOUR HELP: If you’re interested in volunteering to help, please contact Karen Sloan at info@shepherd-elementary.org. Sat, OCT 20 FALL FEST – FAMILY SPONSORSHIPS AND TICKETS Let’s have some fun and raise some FUNDS for Shepherd! We’re planning a day filled with fun games and … Read More