A MESSAGE FROM MS. MACK AND DR. HEDLUND Hello Shepherd Families, As an IB school, our framework provides us with a unique perspective on cultivating international-mindedness and taking action in our local and global communities. At the heart of being internationally-minded, is a commitment and responsibility to taking action to ensure equity and justice for all people. Below are some resources for parents on race and racism; there are resources outlined for the entire summer. Black Lives Matter! Race and Racism Resources for Parents.docx SHEPHERD STUDENTS FOR ACTION And SAVE THE DATE for Thurs, June 18th from 5:00-6:30 pm for a peaceful demonstration walk around our neighborhood. More details on the route and gathering place will be sent soon.
PTO Bulletin
Hi Shepherd familles, We hope everyone remains healthy and safe as we move along during these unpredictable times. A few reminders to start the week… Packet pick up will be Tuesday, May 12 and Wednesday, May 13 at school from 8:30-2 pm at the school. Ward 3 Ed Network Call TONIGHT W3Ednet’s next meeting is Monday, May 11 at 7pm on Zoom (see details below). We are very happy to host Karen Cole, DCPS Deputy Chief of Academic and Creative Empowerment, to talk about distance learning. Hope that you can join us. All are welcome. Join Zoom Meeting https://jh.zoom.us/j/96151856577?pwd=dVlRL3RGWE03V1VhWVNnUkQ2UW5qQT09 Meeting ID: 961 5185 6577 Password: 147366 One tap mobile +16465189805,,96151856577#,,#,147366# US (New York) +16468769923,,96151856577#,,#,147366# US (New York) SHEPHERD’S ONLINE AUCTION – Saturday, May 30th – register NOW! As you might expect, we had to cancel this year’s in-person event. Shepherd Elementary School PTA’s biggest fundraiser of the year – the 16th Annual Spring Gala and Auction – will NOW be a virtual event and has been re-scheduled for Saturday, May 30th, 2020. The entire event will take place via our Handbid auction system. We’ll have some items up for auction, but will be focusing more on the direct appeal this year…RECESS IMPROVEMENTS after the Community Center project … Read More
PTO Bulletin
Hi Shepherd families, Just a reminder it’s TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK and we want to show our teachers some LOVE! Now, more than ever, thank a teacher for their long distance love and support during this difficult time. And don’t forget the specials teachers too! The PTA will be sending the teachers a special treat this week, but they really LOVE hearing from their students and families! #thankadcpsteacher A few ideas to do while we’re still apart: – Send your teacher a personal, heartfelt message on Dojo, Rallyhood, Remind or Teams – Have your student type a “thank you” email (typing and writing practice too!) – Send a photo or video with a special message from your student (we would love to share on our Facebook page too!) – Make a poster to show your thanks – Make an award certificate for your teachers – Send an electronic gift card to their favorite store or restaurant – Do a class video with a few students from your class – Make and mail a THANK YOU card to your teacher at school – Send flowers or a plant to their home (if you have their address) The classrooms may be empty right now and we’re … Read More
PTO Bulletin
Hello Shepherd families! We truly hope you all are staying safe, healthy and are making plans to get outside in the coming days with nicer, warmer weather on the way! A few reminders and notes to share: Packet delivery – TUES and WED this week Week 6 distance learning packets will be at school for distribution TODAY (Tues, April 28) and TOMORROW (Wed, April 29). If you would like, bring your completed packets for drop off. This is not required. Teacher Appreciation Week – May 4-8 Since we’re not all at school together, just a reminder to send your teachers some extra appreciation and love this year! Feel free to drop off notes for them at school today or tomorrow. Dr. Hedlund and Ms. Rottman will make sure the teachers get them when they return to school. Helping Shepherd families in need Thanks to the many families who’ve already donated to support some of our own families having a tough financial time during this pandemic crisis. We could use more support to help a few families get basic food and essential items. If you’d like to still help, please click here. We are earmarking these funds and working with Dr. Hedlund to fulfill the … Read More
PTO Bulletin
Hi Shepherd family and friends, We hope you are all remaining safe and healthy during these challenging times. We have been inspired by our community – the many of you bravely fighting this pandemic as first responders, healthcare workers, and other essential employees. Others are doing their part by staying home or organizing efforts to help where you can. Many of you have asked about needs within our community and we do have a few needs to address within our parent community. If you’re willing and able to help, email Liz Bradley at shepherdptapresident@gmail.com. Stay safe and be well! Liz Bradley PTA President A Message from Dr. Hedlund Just a quick heads up that learning packets will be available for pick up next Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 am-2:00 pm. Also keep an eye out for a grade-level Zoom invitation to provide feedback on distance learning to me and Ms. Rottman. Hope everyone is well. I will provide more updates tomorrow. Update on the Shepherd Gala and Auction As you might expect, we had to cancel this year’s in-person event. Shepherd Elementary School PTA’s biggest fundraiser of the year – the 16th Annual Spring Gala and Auction – will NOW be a virtual event and has … Read More
PTO Bulletin
KEEP INFORMED – DCPS CORONAVIRUS RESPONSE The situation is certainly fluid and changing every day. Keep updated on the latest from DCPS at https://dcps.dc.gov/coronavirus. We will also share the Chancellor’s updates via the PTA Wednesday email, Dr. Hedlund’s Friday email, and the Shepherd Facebook page as well. NO SCHOOL DAY – Monday, March 16th There is a no school day on Monday, March 16th, but Shepherd’s Star Achievers will be open! Please see the following link to register your student: https://www.sesstarachievers.com/. SHEPHERD ELEMENTARY READ-A-THON Shepherd students have been encouraged to participate in the Read to Feed Read-A-Thon which is a reading incentive and fundraising program for children that supports Heifer International. Participants obtain sponsorships from parents, friends and relatives based on the number of books (or units of time) they read. For more information, see: https://fundraise.heifer.org/fundraiser/2590607. DCPS SCHOOL CALENDARS RELEASED DCPS has released the school calendars for the next THREE school years! Check them out here! https://dcps.dc.gov/node/1462066 TOILETRY DRIVE FOR WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH Mrs. McIntyre is leading a toiletry drive in honor of Women’s History Month from March 1-31. Items will benefit DASH — District Alliance for Safe Housing. Drop off boxes near Mrs. McIntyre’s classroom or in the Atrium. PTA HEALTH AND WELLNESS FAIR – Friday, March 27th … Read More
PTO Bulletin
A HUGE THANKS to Caroline Smith and Siri Warkentien for managing our 31st Annual JAZZ NIGHT last week! It was a GREAT success – we had more than 150 people attend and had some awesome Jazz musicians play for us, including a Shepherd alum! Thanks to all who attended!! READ ACROSS AMERICA SPIRIT WEEK Join us as we celebrate the Read Across America Spirit Week! Read Across America is an initiative on reading created by the National Education Association. One part of the project is National Read Across America Day, an observance in the United States held on the school day closest to March 2, the birthday of Dr. Seuss. To celebrate, encourage your children to dress up according to the themes below. Thursday, March 5th – The Cat in the Hat: Wear your favorite hat or Dr. Seuss character costume. Friday, March 6th – How the Grinch Stole Christmas: Wear green. SHEPHERD ELEMENTARY READ-A-THON Shepherd students have been encouraged to participate in the Read to Feed Read-A-Thon which is a reading incentive and fundraising program for children that supports Heifer International. Participants obtain sponsorships from parents, friends and relatives based on the number of books (or units of time) they read. For more information, see: https://fundraise.heifer.org/fundraiser/2590607. DCPS SCHOOL … Read More
PTO Bulletin
THIS FRIDAY – SHEPHERD JAZZ NIGHT! Come out on Friday for a night of fellowship and food! For those who haven’t been before, the event includes a potluck dinner, live and up-close jazz music by outstanding artists (including both talented students and veteran professionals), creative activities, and fine company! Jazz Night founder, Dr. Michael Wallace, introduced this special event 31 years ago—when his own children were Shepherd students – and he still helps us plan and execute this long-standing event every year. Jazz Night was created with Shepherd students in mind; to introduce them to jazz music in a kid-friendly environment. Bring your children to enjoy the music and see the musicians—and their instruments—close up. The event starts at 6:30 pm. We’d love to have families sign up to bring food – homemade or store bought – to share at our potluck. You can find the link here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0E4EAAAC28A5FD0-31st. Additionally, we need parents to help with set up and clean up. If you are interested, email Caroline Smith (Henry’s mom, third grade, mrthbtn@gmail.com) directly or show up around 6 pm. BLACK HISTORY MONTH @ Shepherd We continue to celebrate Black History Month this week with a different event or activity. The schedule for the rest of the week … Read More
PTO Bulletin
PTA Meeting – Tonight, Wednesday, February 12th at 6:30 pm Agenda: Welcome and updates – Dr. Hedlund Jan minutes and budget review – Andrea and Caroline LSAT meeting updates – Liz DCPS Panorama Survey – feedback due by Feb 14th PTA Parent Survey – coming in Mid-March to inform next year’s efforts PTA bylaws review – in progress DCPS Oversight Hearing – Wed, Feb 19th – sharing testimony later this week; Budget Hearings in March TBD Shepherd Gala updates and next steps Need parent/teacher volunteers to help with: Jazz Night (Fri, Feb 28), Health/Wellness Fair (Fri, March 27) and Gala/Auction (Sat, April 25) Have you missed a recent PTA meeting? See the minutes from the previous meetings here – https://www.shepherd-elementary.org/parents/parent-teacher-organization-pto/ GIRL SCOUT COOKIES ON SALE TODAY! On Wednesday, February 12th, from 3:30-8:00pm, the Brownies and Junior Girl Scout troops from Shepherd will host a Girl Scout cookie sale in the lobby after school and during the PTA meeting. This is just in time for Valentine’s Day! Please support the Girl Scout troops based here at Shepherd. DCPS PANORAMA FAMILY SURVEY 55% of Shepherd families have completed the Panorama Family Survey. If you haven’t yet filled one out, please do so. You have … Read More
PTO Bulletin
Hi Mustang Parents – As a follow up to yesterday’s message about next Friday’s Awards Ceremony…below are the ceremony times per grade level. Teachers will be sending home notes in folders if your child is receiving an award. STUDENT AWARDS CEREMONY – Fri, Feb 15 (Multipurpose Room) PK3 and PK4 – 9:00 am K-2 – 9:45 am 3-5 – 10:45 am The Valentine’s Dance is also next Friday (Feb 15) at 3:30 pm and we’d love your help. If you can volunteer to chaperone and help serve food and drinks, please let me know! Happy Friday! Liz