PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

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Hi Mustang families,A few updates as we hit AUG 1 today! More info from Dr. Hedlund is coming soon re: supply lists and how class lists will be shared prior to school starting.We will also be sharing a sign-up link for you to join PTA Committees to help us support the many activities we’ve already been planning and to sign up to be a Room Parent for your child’s class.Enjoy the last few weeks of summer and hope to see you at some of the upcoming events in August.Don’t forget to “like” our Facebook page for even more info and reminders @ShepherdElemPTA.THANKS!Liz and the PTA crewTONIGHT! Community Center meeting – Aug 1 at 6 pmPlease join the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), Department of General Services (DGS) and District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) on Thursday, August 1, 2019 for a community meeting and discussion of the Shepherd Park Community Center project. The project architect will present a revised design based on the feedback we’ve received from previous community meetings and discussions with DCPS and DPR program staff. The general contractor will also be present to review specific construction information and details.MEETING DETAILS:Date: Thursday, August 1, 2019Time: 6:00 PMLocation: … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Hi Mustang families,I hope everyone is having an excellent summer. Below are a few upcoming meetings and dates to get on your radar. Hope to see you soon!Community Center meeting – Aug 1 at 6 pmPlease join the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), Department of General Services (DGS) and District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) on Thursday, August 1, 2019 for a community meeting and discussion of the Shepherd Park Community Center project. The project architect will present a revised design based on the feedback we’ve received from previous community meetings and discussions with DCPS and DPR program staff. The general contractor will also be present to review specific construction information and details.MEETING DETAILS:Date: Thursday, August 1, 2019Time: 6:00 PMLocation: Shepherd Elementary SchoolMultipurpose Room7800 14th Street, NWPlease share this email meeting invitation with your friends, neighbors and any other interested parties. For additional information about this project, please visit: Play Dates – Sun, Aug 11 and Thurs, Aug 22The PTA will be hosting play dates to meet Dr. Hedlund and get to know other students and families prior to school starting. All students and families are welcome!Sun, Aug 11 from 10-noon at the park on Jonquil Street next … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Hi Mustang families!I am very happy to finally be sending along an announcement about our interim principal, Dr. Hedlund, that has just come out from Chancellor Ferebee this evening.We are very excited to have Dr. Hedlund at Shepherd!As you will see, the timing has shifted a bit and we will now NOT be having a principal selection panel imminently. We pushed back on the Chancellor regarding this timing as we did not think that was the best course of action to maintain stability and consistency for our school community, our kids, and our teachers.We will CONTINUE to push to have the panel for the selection of a permanent principal in the Spring, when we’ll have the best selection of candidates and will be much closer to completing the school year.So, as we get excited to start school again…please mark your calendars for two upcoming play dates to come meet Dr. Hedlund.Sun, Aug 11 from 10-noon at the playground next to the soccer field on Jonquil Street (right below the school) and Thurs, Aug 22 from 5-7 pm at school!See you then!Liz BradleyShepherd PTA President

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Hi Mustang families!I hope everyone is having a lovely and relaxing summer – and Happy 4th of July week!A few updates to share so you know what’s been going on at school lately and to give you some peace that things are moving forward in a positive way… WE HAVE AN INTERIM PRINCIPAL! DCPS is completing all the final paperwork now, but she has already been at the school and has been actively involved in the hiring process, the massive school cleanup that is underway, and working with the PTA on efforts and initiatives being planned for next school year, etc.And an update regarding the note sent out last week from DCPS leadership – the PTA and LSAT committees are pushing back on doing another Principal selection panel in August or September. The timing is not fair to anyone. We need stability and consistency for the school year, and we need to give the Interim Principal some time to engage and invest in Shepherd. So, we are pushing to do the panel selection in the Spring, when the rest of the DCPS schools will panel for permanent Principals and we’d have the best pool of experienced candidates. WE HAVE A … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Principal's Newsletter

Hi MUSTANG FAMILIES! IT’S FINALLY THE LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL! And we’re on for FIELD DAY TOMORROW! With a partly cloudy forecast and a high of 79…the weather is looking amazing! Not too hot, rainy or cold! FIELD DAY UPDATES: Please remember to send your kids in their field day t-shirts (or color for their grade) and send them with a reusable water bottle. If you have a cooler we can use (and can bring a bag of ice), we’d appreciate that too. Just drop off in the main office tomorrow morning with your name on it.  If you have volunteered for a shift at a Field Day station, WE THANK YOU! There are more than 46 parents signed up!!! THAT IS AMAZING!!!! If you haven’t volunteered yet, but are free for a shift…we’d still love to have you:  If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Langrock at or Karen Sloan at A few other updates/items to note: Farewell to Ms. Davis – Friday, June 14th @ 8:30 am.  Ms. Awunyo-Akaba and Ms. Johnson’s classes are hosting a farewell party for Ms. Davis, who is retiring at the end of this year.  Please join us to thank her for all she has … Read More

Message from Principal Brawley

Shepherd ElementaryPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dr. Harold Barber – New Principal Dr. Harold Barber has been selected as the new principal of Shepherd! Dr. Barber holds a Bachelor of Sociology from Frostburg State University along with two master’s degrees and a Doctor of Urban Education Leadership from Bowie State University. His first day will be Tuesday, July 2nd. Congratulations A group of Shepherd fourth graders won the Peer Positive Power Challenge for a video they created with Ms. Browne and Mr. Garner for The Music in Me Foundation International. Honorable Mention Congratulations Luke Commodore, Derek Daniels, Sala Queen, Timothy Snow, and Addisen Suber for receiving Honorable Mention in the 31st Annual “Celebration of Youth” essay contest sponsored by Global Harmony Through Personal Excellence, Inc. Field Day Field Day will be on Tuesday, June 11th. Students are welcome to wear their Field Day t-shirts! International Day International Day will take place on Wednesday, June 12th. Awards Day Awards Day will take place on Thursday, June 13th. The K-2 assembly will begin at 9:30 and the grades 3-4 assembly will begin at 10:30. Last Day of SY18-19 The last day of the school year is Friday, June 14th. Enrollment Season Thank you to all of the families … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Happy June!9 more days of school – WOW! A few things left as we wrap up the school year.LAST CALL AUCTION!Just a reminder that the auction site closes at noon TODAY! So, go get some LAST MINUTE deals ASAP!FIELD DAY – Tues, June 11 from 9am-3 pmWe also need more VOLUNTEERS for Field Day!Volunteers are needed to help assist at the 17 different stations available that day. Donations of water and popsicles are also needed to help keep kids hydrated during the day.PARENTS – please send your child with a reusable water bottle that day so we can minimize our trash!Please share the following link with the parents in your classrooms and encourage them to sign up to volunteer (or donate):’s make this a great Field Day for our kids! If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Langrock at or Karen Sloan at events:• Fifth grade Promotion – June 7• Shepherd Field Day – June 11• International Day – June 12• Awards Day – June 13• Last day of school – June 14

Message from Principal Brawley

Shepherd ElementaryPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Fifth Grade Exhibition Our fifth graders will present their culminating projects on Thursday, May 30th from 5:00 – 7:00pm. Fifth Grade Promotion The fifth grade promotional exercise will take place on Friday, June 7th in the multi-purpose room at 9:30am. Field Day Field Day will be on Tuesday, June 11. If you would like to volunteer to run a station or contribute water or popsicles, please contact Mr. Langrock at or sign up here – International Day International Day will take place on Wednesday, June 12. Awards Day Awards Day will take place on Thursday, June 13. Last Day of SY18-19 The last day of the school is Friday, June 14. Enrollment Season Thank you to all of the families that have registered for next school year! Currently, 58% of our students are registered for SY19-20. Our goal is 85% by June 1st. The enrollment packet, which includes forms located online at, should be completed and presented to Mrs. Brooks along with proof of residency. The first class to register 100% of returning students for SY19-20 will receive extra recess! 2019-2020 School Calendar The calendar for the 2019-2020 school year is available: OTHER UPCOMING DATESTeacher Breakfast … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

SHEPHERD COMMUNITY CENTER MEETING – Thurs, MAY 23 at 6 pmPlease join the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), Department of General Services (DGS) and District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 for a community meeting and discussion of the Shepherd Park Community Center project.The project architect will present a revised concept design based on the feedback we’ve received from previous community meetings and discussions with DCPS and DPR program staff. Meeting with be in the Multipurpose room at Shepherd Elem.Check out the latest: DAY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Tues, June 11This year’s Field Day will be held on Tuesday, June 11, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Rain date is June 12). Volunteers are needed to help assist at the 17 different stations available that day. Donations of water and popsicles are also needed to help keep kids hydrated during the day.PARENTS – please send your child with a reusable water bottle that day so we can minimize our trash!Please share the following link with the parents in your classrooms and encourage them to sign up to volunteer (or donate):’s make this a great Field Day for our kids! If you have any questions, … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Election ResultsPTA Exec Board for 2019-2020:President: Liz Bradley1st Vice President: Taryn Losch-Beridon2nd Vice President: Ayana McIntoshRecording Secretary: Caroline SmithCorresponding Secretary: Lauren Benning-WilliamsTreasurer: OPENAssistant Treasurer: Andrea SmithLSAT members for 2019-2020:Kristin BaldwinSara FaulmanDominic JuCendrine RobinsonPrincipal Selection Panel (parents):Liz Bradley – PTA PresidentJimmy Sarakatsannis – LSAT ChairKevin JenkinsAyana McIntoshJulia LiptonDoug SloanYolanda Grate – alternateShepherd Camping Trip – Sat, May 18 – NEED YOUR CONFIRMATIONSOur first annual Shepherd Elementary camping trip is fast approaching. Unfortunately, all of the sites are booked already, but if you were one of the lucky ones who signed up early, we need to know you’re going.Please visit the Google spreadsheet found via the following link and provide your name and camp location. campsite can fit two cars and up to six guests, so if you want to go but forgot to book a site, please message me and we will try to pair you with another family that has booked a site.Camp set up can begin at 3:00 PM on the 18th. Derek and Michelle Musgrove will have games for the kids between 3 and dinner, and they’ll host Smore’s at 7:00 PM. You’re on the hook for your own dinner and breakfast. If you’re new to camping, … Read More