Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Families, We saw a number of you this week picking up learning packets from the school. I just wanted to reach out after the Chancellor’s announcement to share that our staff is busy planning for the weeks ahead. Everyone is well. We will be having a staff meeting at 9:00 am on 3/24, and I will update you that afternoon as our plans become more concrete. For now, the learning packets are for the 3/24-3/31; we are on Spring Break until Tuesday, March 24th. Many teachers have already been reaching out to families, and all families will hear from their teachers next week. I just wanted you all to know that we miss seeing your beautiful children and are sending love and good wishes your way. Be safe and know that we are thinking of you. With love, Phyllis  Phyllis Hedlund, Ed.D.

Note from the Chancellor

Taryn Losch-BeridonChancellor Notes

Dear DCPS Community, During this unprecedented public health emergency, DC Public Schools (DCPS) remains committed to ensuring the well-being of our students, staff, and school communities. Thank you for your continued support as our district works to mitigate the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). In challenging times like these, we see our DCPS values in action every day: Students First as our incredible educators create dynamic lessons so that our students can continue learning;Teamwork as our district works closely with our interagency partners under the leadership of Mayor Bowser; andCourage as our dedicated operational staff take steps to continue necessary services and clean school buildings for our staff and students. I am writing to provide an update on our district’s response to coronavirus (COVID-19) and to share additional resources to support your student and family. DCPS at Home: Distance Learning Lessons for Students Distance learning will start next week on Tuesday, March 24 after Spring Break (March 17 to March 23.) DCPS prepared printed packets of materials for every grade level from Pre-K through 8th grade and each graduation requirement course for 9-12th grade. Some students may have already received these materials last week from their teachers prior to closing for … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Shepherd Families: We realize that this is an uncertain time as our city grapples with coronavirus (COVID-19). Despite the challenges and concerns this situation presents, we want to assure you that DC Public Schools (DCPS) and our outstanding Shepherd faculty developed a solid plan to ensure that your child’s education continues during a period of school closure. Please read this correspondence in its entirety as it includes specific information from our fantastic teachers. You probably heard from them separately, but we wanted to put it all in one place for you. In addition, there are library and family resources attached from Ms. Blake and Ms. Browne respectively. Printed Information PacketDCPS has prepared a hardcopy packet of materials that contains your child’s instructional materials for March 24 to March 31. These activities have been designed to extend prior learning and engage students during the period of school closure. It contains learning activities across content areas that were planned for all DCPS learners, including English Language Learners and students with special needs. Packets will be available of pick up at Shepherd from 8:30 am – 2:00 pm on 3/19, 3/20, 3/23 and 3/24. Shepherd will be open daily from 8:30 am -2:00 … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Shepherd Families:  We realize that this is an uncertain time as our city grapples with coronavirus (COVID-19). Despite the challenges and concerns this situation presents, we want to assure you that DC Public Schools (DCPS) and our outstanding Shepherd faculty developed a solid plan to ensure that your child’s education continues during a period of school closure. Please read this correspondence in its entirety as it includes specific information from our fantastic teachers. You probably heard from them separately, but we wanted to put it all in one place for you. In addition, there are librarry and family resources attached from Ms. Blake and Ms. Browne respectively. Printed Information Packet  DCPS has prepared a hardcopy packet of materials that contains your child’s instructional materials for March 24 to March 31. These activities have been designed to extend prior learning and engage students during the period of school closure. It contains learning activities across content areas that were planned for all DCPS learners, including English Language Learners and students with special needs. Packets will be available of pick up at Shepherd from 8:30 am – 2:00 pm on 3/19, 3/20, 3/23 and 3/24.  Shepherd will be open daily from 8:30 am -2:00 pm … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Good afternoon Shepherd families,Today Ms. Rottman and I participated in a conference call with other elementary school administrators and central office staff. As a reminder, spring break will now be March 17-March 23. Distance learning will take place March 24-March 31, and we are scheduled to return to school on Wednesday, April 1. Central office content experts have prepared materials for each grade level, and they will be available on line on Monday. These work packets can be found here. Several grades were able to copy those packets and send them home in your child’s backpack today: Pre-K, K and 1st grades. Fifth grade teachers and Mr. Mack (3rd grade) also sent home packets with students. Given the late notice, not all teachers had the time to prepare and distribute materials. The District is printing these packets, and they will be distributed on Thursday 3/19, Friday 3/20 and Monday 3/23 at the school. If your child is in Pre-K, K, 1st or 5th grades, you already have materials. By close of business on Monday, March 16, I will follow up with additional information about packet distribution (if you need one — you may also print it out at home) and … Read More

Note from the Chancellor

Taryn Losch-BeridonChancellor Notes

Dear DC Public Schools Community, On March 11, 2020, in order to provide additional coordination for the District’s response to the coronavirus (COVID-19), Mayor Muriel Bowser declared both a state of emergency and a public health emergency. During this unprecedented public health emergency, DC Public Schools (DCPS) remains committed to ensuring the well-being of our students and school communities. Therefore, starting Monday, March 16 through Tuesday, March 31, DCPS will modify operations to help mitigate the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in our region. In our ongoing efforts to address community health risks and ensure the continuity of learning for our students, DCPS will follow an updated schedule between March 16 and March 31: Monday, March 16 — Teachers and staff will report to school to plan for distance learning. No school for students.Tuesday, March 17 to Monday, March 23 — DCPS will take its Spring Break for students and teachers. There will no longer be a Spring Break period in April.Tuesday, March 24 to Tuesday, March 31 — Students will participate in distance learning.Wednesday, April 1 — Schools will resume operations. During this period, there will also be no school-sponsored activities such as athletics, extracurriculars, field trips, events, or afterschool … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Good afternoon families,By now, most of you have read the Chancellor’s letter changing next week’s professional development day from Friday, March 20th to Monday, March 16th.Star Achievers will provide child care to our families on Monday, March 16 – please register by Fri, March 13 at this link. We have a few other cancellations/postponements at this time:Tomorrow’s All School Meeting led by Pre-K 4 has been postponed until further notice.The PTA Meeting on Wednesday, March 18th has been cancelled.Health and Wellness Fair scheduled for Friday, March 27th has been postponed until further notice.Aladdin, the musical, scheduled for April 4th and 5th has been postponed until further notice. I will provide any updates as soon as I have them. Our custodians are on a schedule to sanitize common areas, door handles and stair railings throughout the day. Teachers continue to emphasize proper hand washing technique. Attached please find our monthly construction news from Department of Parks and Recreation. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, updates or concerns, and stay well.Shepherd Construction Update_March 2020.pdf Sincerely, Phyllis Phyllis Hedlund, Ed.D.Interim Principal Future Chefs FinalistCongratulations to Sala Queen who is a finalist for the District of Columbia! Wish her luck as … Read More

Note from the Chancellor

Taryn Losch-BeridonChancellor Notes

Dear DCPS Community: Following guidance issued by DC Health on canceling non-essential mass gatherings, DC Public Schools (DCPS) is taking preventative measures around travel and high-attendance events for students and staff. Effectively immediately, DCPS will enact the following: • Restrictions on Large Gatherings: Non-essential District-wide and individual school events that accommodate approximately 500 people in one room will be canceled through March 31. This may include assemblies, athletics events, and field trips. To that end, tomorrow night’s 5th Annual Math Bowl at Roosevelt High School is canceled. Recognizing the situation is dynamic, we will continue to provide critical updates around this guidance, as needed. • Student Travel: DCPS-sponsored student travel outside the District of Columbia is suspended through May 1. This includes out-of-state and international field trips. • Staff Travel: DCPS-sponsored staff travel is limited to essential duties only. Reminder: No School for Students on Monday, March 16 Earlier today, we also notified students and families of a change in our school schedule for next week. Students will not be in session on Monday, March 16 to accommodate a Professional Development Day for staff to ensure that our educators are fully equipped to support distance learning as needed. Students will no longer have the day off on … Read More

Note from the Chancellor

Taryn Losch-BeridonChancellor Notes

Good morning DCPS Community, DC Public Schools (DCPS) continues to prioritize student and staff safety as the region addresses the coronavirus (COVID-19). As part of DCPS’ emergency response planning, there will be a shift in school schedules for the week of March 16. This announcement affects both teachers and students. The scheduled Professional Development Day for teachers on Friday, March 20 will now take place on Monday, March 16. Schools will be closed for students on Monday, March 16, with classes resuming for the rest of the week. Students will no longer have the day off on Friday, March 20. Calendar for week of March 16 DC Health continues to report no widespread community transmission of COVID-19, and prevention remains our priority. However, this situation remains dynamic, and preparation is critical every day. With this in mind, DCPS is accelerating our planning timeline with teachers and school leaders to ensure that our educators are fully equipped to support distance learning as needed. As part of their Professional Development Day next week, teachers and school leaders will focus on academic contingency planning that best serves the entire DCPS school community. Instructional contingency plans are underway that will allow meaningful, relevant learning … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

KEEP INFORMED – DCPS CORONAVIRUS RESPONSE The situation is certainly fluid and changing every day. Keep updated on the latest from DCPS at We will also share the Chancellor’s updates via the PTA Wednesday email, Dr. Hedlund’s Friday email, and the Shepherd Facebook page as well.  NO SCHOOL DAY – Monday, March 16th There is a no school day on Monday, March 16th, but Shepherd’s Star Achievers will be open! Please see the following link to register your student: SHEPHERD ELEMENTARY READ-A-THON Shepherd students have been encouraged to participate in the Read to Feed Read-A-Thon which is a reading incentive and fundraising program for children that supports Heifer International. Participants obtain sponsorships from parents, friends and relatives based on the number of books (or units of time) they read. For more information, see: DCPS SCHOOL CALENDARS RELEASED DCPS has released the school calendars for the next THREE school years! Check them out here! TOILETRY DRIVE FOR WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH Mrs. McIntyre is leading a toiletry drive in honor of Women’s History Month from March 1-31. Items will benefit DASH — District Alliance for Safe Housing. Drop off boxes near Mrs. McIntyre’s classroom or in the Atrium. PTA HEALTH AND WELLNESS FAIR – Friday, March 27th … Read More