Shepherd Bulletin 08/10/2022

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

A link to the bulletin can be found here

In this week’s PTO Bulletin…

– Welcome to New Families

– Back to School Supplies

– Upcoming Events

  • Beautification Day – August 20th
  • PTO Welcome Playdates & Uniform Swap – August 21st & 28th
  • Shepherd Elementary Open House – August 25th

– Volunteer Opportunities

  • Ambassadors for New Families
  • Committee Volunteers & Event Coordinators

– Shepherd 180 Fund

– Other Important Dates

    – 1st Day of School (K – 5th grade):  Mon August 29th

    – 1st Day of School (PreK-3 & 4):  Thurs September 1st

    – Labor Day Holiday:  Mon September 5th

Welcome New Shepherd Families

We want to extend a warm welcome to all new Shepherd Elementary Families and of course a Welcome Back to those currently in our community!

These Shepherd Bulletins are released weekly during the school year as a way for the PTO community to remain informed on news, correspondence and events.  

Please encourage any new Shepherd Families to register for A to Z connect so they can receive these weekly bulletins and stay connected to the PTO.

Back to School Supplies
It’s Back to School season! Principal Russell recently released the list of necessary school supplies by grade for the 2022-2023 school year. You can access the list through the Shepherd Elementary website or through this hyperlink.

If you cannot access the hyperlink or website, please email and we can forward a personal copy.

Shepherd Beautification Day
Please mark your calendars: Shepherd Beautification Day will be held August 20th, tentatively scheduled from 10 am – 4 pm. Beautification Day is an opportunity for families in the school community to come together to celebrate and improve the Shepherd campus. More information will be released shortly, but if you are interested in participating, please complete this form.

PTO Welcome Playdate & Uniform Swap!
This month the Shepherd PTO will be hosting 2 Back-to School Playdates for new and returning students to meet and/or get reacquainted. We’ll meet at the Shepherd Park playground on Jonquil St. As part of the playdate, the PTO will also coordinate a uniform swap where the community can donate gently-used uniforms and exchange them for a new size.

Please mark your calendars:

Sunday, August 21st: 2 pm – 4 pm

Sunday, August 28th: 2 pm – 4 pm

Shepherd Elementary Open House
Please join Principal Russell for the Shepherd Elementary Open House on August 25th. Open House hours will be designated by grade:

PreK3 – Kindergarten: 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm

1st – 5th Grades: 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Ambassadors for New Shepherd Families Wanted
The PTO is looking for parents to serve as Ambassadors for new Shepherd Elementary families. As an Ambassador, you will be assigned a new incoming Shepherd family or families. We’ll ask that you reach out to them at the beginning of the school year to welcome them and answer any questions. The time commitment should be less than 1-2 hours.

If you are interested in serving as an Ambassador, please submit your name and contact information through this volunteer form.

PTO Volunteers Needed
The school year is quickly approaching and the Shepherd PTO is looking for volunteers to support its annual engagement, advocacy, and fundraising activities!

Like many public schools, Shepherd relies on its parent community to help bring out the best in our classrooms and community. We recognize that your time is precious and there are a variety of ways to help from your office, on weekends, or during the school day. For the 2022-2023 school year, we especially need

  • PTO Committee Chairs/Volunteers
  • Event Coordinators
  • Recurring Activities Leads

If you have time and/or special skills that you would be willing to donate, please complete this volunteer form.

Any questions can be directed to

Time to Support the 2022-2023 Shepherd 180 Fund
Help the Shepherd PTO fund lots of great events, initiatives, and extra circular efforts at Shepherd this year by donating to the 180 Fund.

It’s called the 180 Fund because there are 180 instructional days in the school year and your donation of a dollar a day per student helps the PTO support sending students on offsite field trips, funding teacher educational wish lists, putting on school plays and concerts, updating outdoor playground equipment, funding additional academic supports, and hosting school-wide events! This budget really helps us give our students even more unique, meaningful and enriching opportunities each year.

Any contribution is always much appreciated. And as a reminder, your contribution is 100% tax deductible. Thanks for your support – we’re looking forward to getting back to BETTER THAN NORMAL!