Winter Concert – Thurs, Dec 19th and Fri, Dec 20th
For the Winter Concert on Thursday, December 19 at 6:30 pm, students who are in the concert should arrive no later than 6:15 pm. They should wear blue bottoms and a white shirt; school uniform works. Students in grades K-5 should report to the Atrium and look for signage on where to assemble. PK3 and PK4 students should go straight to the Multipurpose Room. The more students we have present the better our concert will be! Please let your homeroom teacher know if your child will not be in attendance.
PTA Meeting – TONIGHT (Dec 18th) at 6:30 pm
• STAR review – Dr. Hedlund
• Construction update – groundbreaking, updated timeframe, handling of issues, etc. – Dr. Hedlund
• Nov minutes and budget review – Andrea/Karen and Liz
• Highlights of PTA purchases this school year – Liz
• LSAT meeting updates – Liz
• IB evaluation update – Ms. Mack
• Recess update – PTA budget for Playworks might be needed; requesting more games, puzzles for the indoor recess cart
• PTA Bylaws review/update – need help
• Need parent help for upcoming events: Summer Camp Fair (Jan 15), Jazz Night (Feb 28) Health/Wellness Fair (end of March) and Shepherd Gala/Auction (April 25)
• Coming soon: Shepherd Parent Survey
**Pizza for children and childcare provided
DCPS Wants Your Feedback!
2020-2023 Calendar Proposals
Based on stakeholder feedback, DCPS has shifted to a three-year calendar planning
Our hope is that this will better serve the needs of students, staff and families. DCPS
will continue to set the last Monday in August as the first day of school for students for
the next three consecutive school years (August 31, 2020, August 29, 2021 and August
28, 2022 respectively). Based on this start date, we have developed proposals for the
2020-23 school calendars and invite public feedback.
Please click below to see the calendar proposals for SY2020-23, which include
additional information about how DCPS schedules the calendar.
School Year Calendar Proposals: SY2020-21, SY2021-22 & SY2022-23.
Share your thoughts on the calendar proposals using this feedback form.
Final adjustments will be made to the proposed calendar based on public feedback, and
DCPS will release the final three-year calendar in February 2020.
Join Us for the 3rd Annual Shepherd Elementary Summer
Camp Expo!
Meet representatives from a variety of local camps, ask questions, participate
in fun activities, and learn about the array of options for the summer!
The 2020 expo will be held on Wednesday, January 15th from 5-7 pm in the Atrium.
The January PTA meeting will begin at 6:30 pm, so Shepherd families should feel free
to attend the expo and then stay for the meeting (free childcare and pizza for Shepherd
students whose parents are attending the PTA meeting will be provided). The Summer
Camp Expo is open to everyone (you don’t have to be enrolled at Shepherd ES attend),
so bring your friends and neighbors! Check out one of our participating camps below:
Kids Elite Sports provides the perfect balance of
recreational and competitive sports that includes: basketball, soccer, baseball, tennis,
swimming, field hockey, floor hockey, lacrosse, volleyball, flag football, interactive
football, kickball, dodgeball and so much more. Check them
out at
2019-2020 School Year Spelling Bee
The spelling bee has been postponed until 1/9/2020 to allow students more time to
Thanks to the many families who contributed and supported the bake sale! We made
more than $800 to help support Shepherd families this holiday season.
Please be extremely careful and cautious as you pick up and drop off your children at
school. We have had some near misses lately and want to remind everyone to slow
down and to not let your children run across the street. Please use the cross walks!
USE AMAZON SMILE for the Holidays!
Make your purchase through AmazonSmile and they will donate 0.5% of the
purchase price to the Shepherd PTA. Share this link on Facebook and Twitter to
encourage your friends and family to do the same.
Just a friendly reminder that school opens at 8:20 am and only students who are
registered for before care may enter the building prior to 8:20 am. To register for before
care, visit Star Achievers site.
Reminder of Upcoming Dates:
• Wednesday, Dec 18th – LSAT and PTA meetings (4:30 and 6:30 pm)
• Wednesday, Dec 18th – Teacher and Staff Holiday party – 3:45 pm
• Thursday, Dec 19th – Winter Concert (6:30 pm)
• Friday, Dec 20th – Winter Concert (8:50 am and 9:10 am)
• Wednesday, Jan 15th – Open House for Prospective Parents
• Wednesday, Jan 15th – LSAT and PTA meetings (4:30 and 6:30 pm), Camp Expo (5-7
• Friday, Jan 17th – Parent/Teacher Conferences (NO SCHOOL for Students)
• Monday, Jan 27th – NO SCHOOL (Records Day)
• Tuesday, Jan 28th – NO SCHOOL (Professional Development)
• Wednesday, Feb 12th – LSAT and PTA meetings (4:30 and 6:30 pm)
• Friday, Feb 28th – Jazz Night
• Saturday, April 25th – Shepherd Gala and Auction
PTO Bulletin