PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

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Hi Shepherd families,

Just a reminder it’s TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK and we want to show our teachers some LOVE! 

Now, more than ever, thank a teacher for their long distance love and support during this difficult time. And don’t forget the specials teachers too! The PTA will be sending the teachers a special treat this week, but they really LOVE hearing from their students and families! #thankadcpsteacher

A few ideas to do while we’re still apart:

– Send your teacher a personal, heartfelt message on Dojo, Rallyhood, Remind or Teams

– Have your student type a “thank you” email (typing and writing practice too!)

– Send a photo or video with a special message from your student (we would love to share on our Facebook page too!)

– Make a poster to show your thanks

– Make an award certificate for your teachers

– Send an electronic gift card to their favorite store or restaurant

– Do a class video with a few students from your class

– Make and mail a THANK YOU card to your teacher at school

– Send flowers or a plant to their home (if you have their address)

The classrooms may be empty right now and we’re all juggling a lot these days, but we’ve had a GREAT year and we really appreciate all our teachers do for our students every day!