PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

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Thanks to the MANY parents, teachers and staff who joined the PTO call tonight. 

As promised, here are a few follow up items:

Sharing Your Concerns on the Reopening Plans

Friday, Oct 23 will be a rally/alternative hearing hosted by the WTU in front of the John A. Wilson building (1350 Pennsylvania Ave NW) in downtown DC at 2:30 pm. Masks are required and please maintain social distancing.

You can also submit a question or statement you would’ve shared had there been an official Council hearing. Click here to share with the WTU. Also, email your statement to Chairman Mendelson at and CM Brandon Todd at

A few issues to bring up: online class sizes when some teachers are back in the classroom (particularly how smaller schools will be impacted), how testing will be handled for all going in person, and how to ensure schools have all the gear, materials, and updated HVAC systems and working water fountains, soap dispensers, dedicated space for those with symptoms, etc.

Support Our Shepherd 180 Fund 

We’d love your support in lieu of Fall Fest and the many other fundraisers we’d be doing this fall. 180 accounts for 180 days of school for our kids, so it means just about $1 per day. The PTO are supporting the teachers and staff currently with touch-less thermometers and docu-scanners. Click here to support! 

Thanks to the many families who’ve already given!

Seeking More Parent Volunteers!

We’re starting to pull together PTO Committees (Fundraising, Family Engagement, Communications/Advocacy, Teacher and Staff Support, etc.), volunteers for online events and room parents! Click here to see one of the many ways to help this year. We know this year is HARD, but appreciate any time you can give. 

New Family Meet Up – THURS, Oct 22 at 6:30 pm

Anyone interested can email Caroline Smith directly ( Thanks Caroline for leading this effort to welcome all the new families and students!