PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

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NEW ADDITIONS TO THE WEBSITE! We are working to update our website, and you’ll see that we’ve got some terrific new content added. You’ll find the parent handbook ( as well as the school calendar on the site ( SPECIALS! Wondering what “special subject” your child has today? Check out the Specials Calendar online ( You can also read about all of the exciting things that these dedicated teachers are doing in their classrooms ( SEEKING VOLUNTEERS! We need volunteers for a number of events at Shepherd, including Fall Fest and Movie Nights. We’d also love to have volunteers sign up to be a class Room Parent or to serve on a PTA Committee. A sign up link is now LIVE on the website: FALL FEST PLANNING MEETING Speaking of special Shepherd events, planning has begun for Fall Fest. If you are interested in helping out, come out to our first planning meeting of the school year. It will take place on Monday, September 9th at 6:30 pm in the Teachers’ Lounge. This is our BIG fall fundraiser, and we want to make it great! TEACHER SUPPORT Our new Spanish teacher, Senor Hernandez, is looking for any guitars that you might have … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

WELCOME TO OUR PK3 AND PK4 STUDENTS!We’re excited to welcome our newest Mustangs, the PK3 and PK4 students, and their teachers and staff tomorrow – Thursday, Aug 29! We hope you have a GREAT first day!“Kiss and Ride” drop off on 14th Street in the mornings STARTING TOMORROW – NO PARKING ZONE14th Street between Kalmia and Jonquil Streets (closest to the school) will be designated as a “Kiss and Ride” drop off area in the mornings from 8:20-8:40 am. Staff and administrators will be there to help your children out of the car and to get them to their morning drop off locations.INCLEMENT WEATHER DROP OFF LOCATION FOR 4TH AND 5TH GRADERSIf there is rain, snow, sleet, hail, or it’s below 32 degrees on school mornings, please drop off your 4th and 5th graders in the multipurpose room.GET YOUR T-SHIRTS!PTA will be selling t-shirts again on Thurs morning at school in the atrium from 8-9 am. We’ll have more in stock in the smaller sizes and some new designs available, including a unisex navy polo! More hoodies, long sleeve shirts and winter gear will be coming by Fall Fest on Oct 19!SHEPHERD BEAUTIFICATION DAY SUCCESS!Thanks to the more than 75 … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

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MOVIE NIGHT – SECRET LIVES of PETS 2Join us Friday, September 27th at 6:30 pm for a screening of The Secret Lives of Pets 2! Bring your blankets; come in your pajamas! There will be snacks and drinks for sale. Most importantly, a good time will be had by all.BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL CLUBSSeveral of our staff members are offering special programming for our students this year. Please check out these options, with more to come soon:Kindness ClubIs your child interested in changing our school and community by being a part of The Kindness Club at Shepherd? We will be recognizing acts of kindness at Shepherd, participating in The Great Kindness Challenge, giving back to those in need, and more! Kindness Club is for students in grades K-5.Where? Mrs. Zepeda’s room (A101).When? Kindness Club begins the week September 30th.• Kindergarten – 2nd Grade: Tuesdays from 3:30 – 4:30• 3rd Grade – 5th Grade: Thursdays from 3:30 – 4:30If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Mrs. Zepeda via email at ClubDo you enjoy learning about different cultures from around the world? Activities will include:• Playing geography and culture games• Art and craft activities• Tasting different foods from … Read More

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Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

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BACK-TO-SCHOOL PLAY DATE – THURS, AUG 22 FROM 5-7 PMCome meet new families, teachers and staff, and help us make sure the school is stocked with supplies for this school year.NOTE – these supplies will be used in the specials’ classrooms and general school locations, not the supplies needed for your child’s class.We have a curated Amazon link for the supplies needed for Art, Music, Library, French, Spanish, Special Ed, etc. Any purchase made will be MUCH APPRECIATED and can be shipped right to the school – 7800 14th Street NW, Washington, DC, 20012.AND A HUGE THANK YOU TO TARGET FOR THE GENEROUS SCHOOL SUPPLY DONATION!SCHOOL BEAUTIFICATION DAY – SAT, AUG 24 from 9 am-noonWOW! We have more than 40 parents signed up to come help! But we still need you! Sign up for a shift – we’ll take whatever time you have this Saturday.Lastly, WE’RE LOOKING FOR PARENT VOLUNTEERS!If you’d like to be on a PTA committee, help at an upcoming event, or serve as a room parent, click here to sign up! WE NEED YOUR HELP TO DO ALL THE GREAT THINGS WE HAVE PLANNED FOR THIS YEAR!See you all on Thursday at the “Sneak Peek” play date … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Hi Mustang families, It’s that time of year already…please join us for Shepherd’s Beautification Day on Sat, Aug 24 from 9-noon!  Come help us rake, weed, organize, clean, create, make copies, or paint. We’ll have outdoor and indoor projects – so something to fit everyone’s skills, interests and availability. Bring a friend, family member or a neighbor too. Kids are more than welcome to come help! Sign up for a shift here and come help us make the school SHINE before everyone starts back to school the week of Aug 26! We are also doing a school-wide supply drive and have identified some additional items on Amazon. These items are meant for our specials’ teachers and general school usage. Share the link with Shepherd neighbors or family members who may not be able to help on Beautification Day but want to support our school. Supplies can be dropped off on Thurs, Aug 22 from 9 am-7 pm and Sat, Aug 24 from 9 am-3 pm. See you on Saturday, Aug 24!

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Good evening, Mustang families!We are excited to kick off the first of our back-to-school play dates TOMORROW! Hope many of you can join us! And as you gear up for coming back to school, see a few fundraisers below to help you get ready, organized and support Shepherd Elem!Shepherd Play Dates – TOMORROW at 10 am and Thurs, Aug 22 from 5-7 pmThe PTA will be hosting play dates to meet Dr. Hedlund, the many new Shepherd staff and teachers, and get to know other students and families prior to school starting.Shepherd t-shirts will be on sale during both play dates.Sun, Aug 11 from 10-noon at the park on Jonquil Street next to the lower field and down the hill from the schoolThurs, Aug 22 from 5-7 pm come for a “sneak peek” at schoolFUNDRAISER ALERTLOOKING FOR QUALITY SCHOOL UNIFORM CLOTHING?We have an “online store” with where you can get great quality navy and white clothing items. With each purchase, Shepherd PTA gets 10% back on every sale! And we get credit for ALL purchases – not just what’s in our store. So be sure to use this link when making all purchases. LABELS FOR YOUR CHILD’S … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Hi Mustang families,A few updates as we hit AUG 1 today! More info from Dr. Hedlund is coming soon re: supply lists and how class lists will be shared prior to school starting.We will also be sharing a sign-up link for you to join PTA Committees to help us support the many activities we’ve already been planning and to sign up to be a Room Parent for your child’s class.Enjoy the last few weeks of summer and hope to see you at some of the upcoming events in August.Don’t forget to “like” our Facebook page for even more info and reminders @ShepherdElemPTA.THANKS!Liz and the PTA crewTONIGHT! Community Center meeting – Aug 1 at 6 pmPlease join the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), Department of General Services (DGS) and District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) on Thursday, August 1, 2019 for a community meeting and discussion of the Shepherd Park Community Center project. The project architect will present a revised design based on the feedback we’ve received from previous community meetings and discussions with DCPS and DPR program staff. The general contractor will also be present to review specific construction information and details.MEETING DETAILS:Date: Thursday, August 1, 2019Time: 6:00 PMLocation: … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Hi Mustang families,I hope everyone is having an excellent summer. Below are a few upcoming meetings and dates to get on your radar. Hope to see you soon!Community Center meeting – Aug 1 at 6 pmPlease join the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), Department of General Services (DGS) and District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) on Thursday, August 1, 2019 for a community meeting and discussion of the Shepherd Park Community Center project. The project architect will present a revised design based on the feedback we’ve received from previous community meetings and discussions with DCPS and DPR program staff. The general contractor will also be present to review specific construction information and details.MEETING DETAILS:Date: Thursday, August 1, 2019Time: 6:00 PMLocation: Shepherd Elementary SchoolMultipurpose Room7800 14th Street, NWPlease share this email meeting invitation with your friends, neighbors and any other interested parties. For additional information about this project, please visit: Play Dates – Sun, Aug 11 and Thurs, Aug 22The PTA will be hosting play dates to meet Dr. Hedlund and get to know other students and families prior to school starting. All students and families are welcome!Sun, Aug 11 from 10-noon at the park on Jonquil Street next … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Hi Mustang families!I am very happy to finally be sending along an announcement about our interim principal, Dr. Hedlund, that has just come out from Chancellor Ferebee this evening.We are very excited to have Dr. Hedlund at Shepherd!As you will see, the timing has shifted a bit and we will now NOT be having a principal selection panel imminently. We pushed back on the Chancellor regarding this timing as we did not think that was the best course of action to maintain stability and consistency for our school community, our kids, and our teachers.We will CONTINUE to push to have the panel for the selection of a permanent principal in the Spring, when we’ll have the best selection of candidates and will be much closer to completing the school year.So, as we get excited to start school again…please mark your calendars for two upcoming play dates to come meet Dr. Hedlund.Sun, Aug 11 from 10-noon at the playground next to the soccer field on Jonquil Street (right below the school) and Thurs, Aug 22 from 5-7 pm at school!See you then!Liz BradleyShepherd PTA President

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Hi Mustang families!I hope everyone is having a lovely and relaxing summer – and Happy 4th of July week!A few updates to share so you know what’s been going on at school lately and to give you some peace that things are moving forward in a positive way… WE HAVE AN INTERIM PRINCIPAL! DCPS is completing all the final paperwork now, but she has already been at the school and has been actively involved in the hiring process, the massive school cleanup that is underway, and working with the PTA on efforts and initiatives being planned for next school year, etc.And an update regarding the note sent out last week from DCPS leadership – the PTA and LSAT committees are pushing back on doing another Principal selection panel in August or September. The timing is not fair to anyone. We need stability and consistency for the school year, and we need to give the Interim Principal some time to engage and invest in Shepherd. So, we are pushing to do the panel selection in the Spring, when the rest of the DCPS schools will panel for permanent Principals and we’d have the best pool of experienced candidates. WE HAVE A … Read More