PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

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5th Grade Promotion – Mon, June 21 at 10 am On Monday June 21, 2021 at 10:00 am, we will celebrate 5th grade promotion in person for all students and their families who would like to attend. The DPR field should be resurfaced by that date, but alternatively, we will use our playground space. We’re excited to get to celebrate these fabulous students and their major accomplishment! More details to come soon. “Moving Up” Ceremonies for ALL GRADES Dr. Hedlund and the staff are also planning “moving up” ceremonies in person for each grade level so students have the opportunity to see one another before we close out the school year. They are researching and planning for safe celebrations for our students, so please stay tuned for details coming soon! Vote NOW for PTO and LSAT reps for SY 2021-2022 – deadline Tues, June 1 Check your email and remember to vote by Tues, June 1 at 8 pm EST. All people on the PTO AtoZ Connect email list should’ve received an email from the Nomination Committee. If you are receiving this email, you’re on the list! If you have any questions, email Thanks again to Ana Ma, Kristin Harrison and Autumn Jackson … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

LAST PTO MEETING OF THE SCHOOL YEAR – TONIGHT (Wed, May 19) at 6:30 PM Join us here on TEAMS! Agenda will include a deep dive by Dr. Hedlund into the Panorama survey data, election info by the Nominating Committee, and plans for the rest of the school year.  Call for PTO Board and LSAT Representatives for Next School Year It’s that time again…we are officially kicking off elections for SY2021-22! Many thanks to our volunteers on the Nominating Committee: Ana Ma, Autumn Jackson, and Kristin Harrison! As was done for the last round of elections, this year’s elections will be held virtually via If you’d like to put forward a nomination for one of the open positions/roles, please send these directly to the Election Committee by emailing The window for nominations will close at midnight on Friday, May 21st. The PTO board member positions (1-year term) are as follows: Two (2) Co-President positions, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer. For more details on the specific responsibilities for each role, please see pages 3-4 of the PTO bylaws here. There will also be 4 slots for parent reps on Shepherd’s Local School Advisory Team (LSAT). Voting will take place online between May … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Shepherd PTO Spring Fling “Shaken & Stirred” Cocktail Making Class – TOMORROW (Thurs, May 13) at 8 pm LAST CALL FOR TICKETS TODAY! We will be mixing up two different cocktails — a Strawberry Smash and a Bees Knees — both of which are a perfect way to ease us into the warm weather. Each ticket purchase will gain the adults in your household access to the cocktail class which will be hosted virtually.  No more kits are available, but after registering you will receive a “shopping list” to make sure you can gather everything you need. Get your tickets here. TONIGHT (May 12) DCPS Town Hall at 5 pm Hear from the Chancellor and learn about the reopening plans for next school year. Register here.  Call for PTO Board and LSAT Representatives for Next School Year It’s that time again…we are officially kicking off elections for SY2021-22! Many thanks to our volunteers on the Nominating Committee: Ana Ma, Autumn Jackson, and Kristin Harrison! As was done for the last round of elections, this year’s elections will be held virtually via If you’d like to put forward a nomination for one of the open positions/roles, please send these directly to the … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK! Reminder that this week we’re celebrating our amazing teachers and staff who’ve overcome many hurdles and challenges to support our students this year. Show them some love and support! The PTO will be providing snacks and treats to the teachers at school and those still virtual, but we encourage you to make a card, send a note, sing a song, make a sign or share your appreciation any way you can! Shepherd PTO Spring Fling “Shaken & Stirred” Cocktail Making Class – Thurs, May 13 at 8 pm We will be mixing up two different cocktails — a Strawberry Smash and a Bees Knees — both of which are a perfect way to ease us into the warm weather. Each ticket purchase will gain the adults in your household access to the cocktail class which will be hosted virtually. In addition, we will offer cocktail kits that will give you everything you need to mix up two of each of these delicious cocktails. Please place orders for kits by 8 am on May 10th. Should you choose to raid your home bar and provide your own ingredients, you will receive a “shopping list” prior to the event to make … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

REMINDER – Teacher Appreciation Week is next week – May 3-7. Show the Shepherd teachers and staff some love for all they’ve done during this super challenging school year! SHEPHERD YEARBOOK UPDATES – need pics uploaded by May 1 It’s been a unique year, and we have overcome many obstacles. Let’s celebrate all that your children have, and will, accomplish by working together to create a fabulous yearbook. All families should follow the steps below to be included in the yearbook: Become a member of TreeRing.   If you ordered a yearbook in the past, click hereLinks to an external site. to log-in to TreeRing. If you are new to TreeRing, click hereLinks to an external site. to set up an account. You will need the school’s passcode: 1013930010262632 At the time you become a member, you will be given the option to purchase a yearbook.  Please note you can upload photos even if you do not purchase a yearbook. Upload a portrait of your child.  Click hereLinks to an external site. for directions. You are welcome to contribute to as many or few of the categories below.  Please note that each category has a different e-mail address because the pictures are being sent to different folders.  Please make sure that your … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Attention 5th Grade Families – BIG DEAL DAY THIS SATURDAY! On Saturday, April 24th from 10-2pm, the Alice Deal Community Association (ADCA) invites all rising 6th grade families to join us for a Big Deal Day. Don’t miss this chance to come together as a community and share in all that makes our school a really BIG DEAL. Shop Deal Gear, buy plants, welcome new families, enroll for SY 21/22, donate to the Green Wall, meet Principal Neal, and get involved with the ADCA. We look forward to meeting our new students and families. Event details here.  SHEPHERD YEARBOOK UPDATES – need pics uploaded by May 1 It’s been a unique year, and we have overcome many obstacles.  Let’s celebrate all that your children have, and will, accomplish by working together to create a fabulous yearbook.  All families should follow the steps below to be included in the yearbook: Become a member of TreeRing.   If you ordered a yearbook in the past, click hereLinks to an external site. to log-in to TreeRing. If you are new to TreeRing, click hereLinks to an external site. to set up an account. You will need the school’s passcode: 1013930010262632 At the time you become a member, you will be given the option to purchase a … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

APRIL PTO MEETING – TOMORROW (WED, APRIL 21) at 6:30 pm Joins us on TEAMS for our monthly chat with Dr. Hedlund, hear about the latest on the new DCPS Foxhall and MacArthur school sites and the Shepherd Park Community Center, and get more details about the upcoming Spring Fling events. SPRING FLING EVENTS – VIRTUAL BAKING CLASS THIS SATURDAY, April 24 at 5 pm Does your family like to watch baking shows? Or do you or your kids like chocolate chip mini cookie cakes with vanilla buttercream frosting? Then join us for a Shepherd school-wide virtual family baking class hosted by Tiny Chefs! This event is great for the whole family and proceeds go to Shepherd PTO. Unfortunately, the “add-ins” ingredient kits and Shepherd aprons and chef hats are sold out. But you can still get tickets for the virtual event here! Listening Session for Shepherd Recreation Center – Thursday, April 22 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm The purpose of this listening session is to ascertain the community’s interest in the use of the Shepherd Park rec center with ANC Commissioners Green and Whatley. Please join the meeting to help us continue to push to secure dedicated space in the Rec Center for … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Shepherd’s Spring Fling Family Engagement Events – April – June Let’s get together to have fun, see each other and raise a little money for next school year! SAVE THESE DATES! Sat, April 24th at 5pm – virtual family baking class hosted by Tiny Chefs, add-ins include ingredient kits and Shepherd aprons and chef hats to be purchased. Appropriate for all ages. Get your tickets and ingredients here. Thurs, May 6th at 8 pm – Adults-only “Shaken AND Stirred” cocktail making class hosted by the Quarantine Cocktail Club. End of May – School “photos” to be taken outside in front of the school marquee to make sure this year doesn’t fly by without your sentimental (and cheesy!) annual school picture. Each student will sign up for a specific time. JUNE OUTDOOR EVENT – We have some clearance from DCPS to start to do things together OUTSIDE! So, we’re planning a gathering IN PERSON FOR LATE JUNE! If you’d like to help plan, email SHEPHERD WINS “Lettuce Grow” Farm Stand grant project FROM WHOLE KIDS FOUNDATION Thanks to the amazing grant writing by Shepherd parent, Siri Warkentien, we’ll be receiving our first farm stand with initial seedlings, as well as future seedlings, nutrients, and pH test kits. Our … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

TONIGHT’S WEBINAR on COVID and the Pediatric Population with Dr. Bud Wiedermann – 7-8 pm Stephen Whatley, ANC4A03 Commissioner, and Children’s National RIC will host a webinar around COVID and some of its impacts on the Pediatric Population. Our speaker will be Dr. Bud Wiedermann from the Infectious Disease program at Children’s National.  Dr. Wiedermann is a national expert in pediatric infectious disease and a noted educator.  We anticipate a talk of around 20-30 minutes with about 10-30 minutes for questions at the end. Please use the chat function for questions. Councilmember Janeese Lewis-George will give the opening remarks. Click here to join! Spring Egg Hunt – Sat, April 3 at Shepherd Community Center On April 3rd from 11am to 1pm, DPR will be hosting a Spring Egg Hunt and Basket Decorating Activity at the Shepherd Park DPR location for a small group of children ages 2 to 5 years old.  Participants will participate in an egg hunt on different sides of the School building then join inside the center to decorate in baskets and partake in prepackaged refreshments.  You’ll never know what you will get if you find that special egg! Due to Phase 2 restrictions, the activity requires registration … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Monthly PTO meeting – TOMORROW – Wed, March 24th at 6:30 pm Join us on TEAMS for this month’s PTO meeting featuring updates from Dr. Hedlund on Term 4, Spring family engagement events planned for April and May, and more mental health resources to be shared by our own school psychologist, Dr. Brown. NEW Shepherd ONLINE GEAR SALE EXTENDED until Mon, March 29! All of you who’ve been asking about buying gear – especially stuff for adults…here you go! New adult and youth options with some of your favorite brands like Nike and Adidas! Youth options include t-shirts, hoodies, and masks, also find stadium chairs, blankets, winter hats and tumblers…all shipped directly to your home. Place orders by MON, March 29. Orders shipped after March 29. Get your new swag here! Shepherd’s Spring Fling Family Engagement Events Let’s get together and raise a little money for our school as we plan for Term 4 and next school year! SAVE THESE DATES!  Sat, April 24th at 5pm – virtual family baking class hosted by Tiny Chefs, add-ins include ingredient kits and Shepherd aprons and chef hats to be purchased. Appropriate for all ages. Thurs, May 6th at 8 pm – Adults-only “Shaken AND Stirred” cocktail making class hosted by the … Read More