15th Annual Spring Gala & Auction

Taryn Losch-BeridonEvents

Shepherd Elementary School PTA needs your help!

We are just beginning the massive effort of planning and preparation for Shepherd’s 15th Annual Spring Gala and Auction. This year’s Gala will be held on May 4th, 2019, at The Atrium at Bobby Van’s Grill in Washington, DC. Historically, the Spring Gala has been the PTA’s best fundraiser of the year, and we hope to raise over $40,000 this year to support Shepherd’s academic and enrichment programs, which will benefit all students.


There are so many ways you can participate to help us to throw a wonderful Gala and Auction. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Assist your classroom parent(s) and contribute to classroom project and basket donations – information from your classroom parent should have been sent to you (if not, feel free to follow up with Caroline Smith at mrthbtn@gmail.com
  • Either provide or solicit donations of goods or services for the auction – do you have a special talent for cooking and can host a cooking party, a vacation home, access to tickets or a box for concerts or a game, or professional services to offer? If you have an item to donate or know a business owner you would like to solicit directly for event sponsorship or donation, please contact SESGala2019@gmail.com to coordinate outreach
  • Consider supporting the Gala as an official sponsor – rewards and recognition are available for various VIP ticketed sponsor levels and are on the event site below. Ticketed VIPs will receive early admission to a VIP-only reception, featuring open bar, passed hors d’oeuvres and entertainment
  • Volunteer to be on the Gala Planning Committee or to assist on the night of the event – we need many hands working together to put on an event of this size and complexity
  • Attend the event! Tickets are now on sale at https://events.handbid.com/auctions/sespta-spring-gala-2019Early bird ticket price is $55 through March 15th, and $65 thereafter. You can also purchase “angel” tickets to cover the cost of Shepherd teacher/staff attendance at the event
  • ALL OF THE ABOVE! We will graciously accept any help you can provide, no matter how small, and we guarantee you will have fun and feel good helping to make our Gala one to remember!


There is already a small army working behind the scenes to get the Gala ball rolling. Should you wish to volunteer to serve on the Gala Planning Committee, or to discuss any topic related to ticket purchase, donations and sponsorships, please contact the Gala Committee directly at SESGala2019@gmail.com.

Lastly, be on the lookout for continual updates in these months leading up to the Gala. Thank you all in advance for your support and, on behalf of the Gala Planning Committee, we look forward to celebrating with you on May 4th!

Many thanks,

Shepherd Gala Committee