Good evening, Mustang families!
Hoping you all had a lovely and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday!
And now back to our regularly scheduled program…
TOMORROW (Monday, Dec 2) is the first of our monthly teacher/staff
breakfasts and tomorrow it is provided by the 3rd grade families. See
here for sign up and dates for the remaining breakfasts! Drop off
food/drinks in the teacher’s lounge anytime before 8:45 am. We love
doing something extra special for our teachers and staff!
FRIDAY (Dec 6) is the Annual Shepherd Bake Sale! Sign up here to
donate a baked good – remember, no peanuts or peanut products! All
proceeds will go to help Shepherd families in need during the holiday
season. Many thanks to Jasmine Riley for leading this effort!
The Shepherd PTA team
PTO Bulletin