Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Shepherd families, It was great to see so many of you on Friday celebrating Ms. Johnson and her remarkable career serving children. There was so much love and appreciation on 14th Street yesterday. Thank you especially to our PTO co-Presidents, Liz Bradley and Taryn Beridon, and staff members, Ms. Akaba, Madame Gadie, Ms. Hagan, Ms. Holt, Mr. James and Mr. Velez (former), for their efforts to make it such a sweet and special event. We love you, Ms. Johnson. Unfortunately, our moving up ceremonies scheduled for yesterday had to be rescheduled, but fortunately, Juneteenth is now a federal holiday. Happy Juneteenth! Here is the new schedule for popsicles and praise: PK 3 Thursday 6/24 from 10-11PK 4 Thursday 6/24 from 9-10K Monday 6/21 from 2-31st Thursday 6/24 from 1-22nd Tuesday 6/22 from 2-33rd Thursday 6/24 from 11-124th Thursday 6/24 from 2-3 Enjoy the weekend! And please look forward to an overview of our vision for SY21-22 and end of year student achievement data next week. Phyllis

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Dear school community, Happy Juneteenth from Shepherd. Today, Mayor Muriel Bowser announced that DC will recognize Juneteenth on Friday, June 18. We celebrate the values of Juneteenth which include freedom, history, and joy, and we also reflect on the ongoing fight for racial equity and social justice that continues to this day. DCPS will be closed tomorrow in celebration of Juneteenth. Our school will be closed with no in-person or virtual instruction. Moving up events planned for Friday will be rescheduled. Our celebration of Ms. Johnson will still take place from 4:00-5:00 pm tomorrow out in front of the school. To read more about DCPS’s reflections on Juneteenth and our commitments as a school district, read today’s message from the Chancellor. I wish you a day of community and reflection in honor of this historic moment, as we come together as a nation to recognize the significance of Juneteenth. Sincerely, Phyllis

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Farewell Drive-by for Ms. Johnson on FRIDAY, JUNE 18th (4-5 PM) In just two days, we’ll be waving goodbye to one of Shepherd’s long-time favorite teachers, Ms. Beverly Johnson, who is retiring after this school year concludes. Please join us for a “drive-by” celebration on Friday, June 18th, from 4 to 5 PM to thank her for all she has done for our children and wish her the best. If you and your child would like to bring her a small gift or card as a token of your appreciation, we are certain she would be very touched…staff and parents who are helping with the event will help to gather these from passing well wishers. We expect to see lots of creative signs, balloons, and don’t forget to honk those horns! To keep the drive-by procession flowing, we ask that everyone please enter 14th St from the north (Kalmia) side and head south in front of the school. Even if you can’t join the live celebration, please consider sharing photos/videos, memories, and well wishes on Ms. Johnson’s Kudoboard, a keepsake memory board that we’ll present to Ms. Johnson at the end of the school year. We look forward to seeing lots … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Good afternoon families, I was out in California celebrating my daughter’s graduation last Friday and delayed the newsletter. There is considerable news to share with you as we close out the school year.​​​​​​​ Ms. Rottman will be leaving Shepherd at the close of this school year. In July, she will start her next chapter at Takoma Park where they are in dire need of a school leader with math expertise. She will be the community’s new assistant principal. After working with her for two years, I can say that we all need a little Ms. Rottman in our lives. She is organized, committed, kind, diligent and conscientious. She has been a tremendous partner to me since I arrived at Shepherd, schooling me in the DCPS way from the start. Her attention to detail has made school operations and the logistics of virtual and in person learning run so smoothly. Ms. Rottman cares deeply about the children, the work and our community. She is as sad to leave as we are to see her go. Please join us in wishing her well at arrival, dismissal or one of our moving up ceremonies. We will miss her. The personnel committee is comprised of Ms. … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Shepherd Park Community Center Final DPR Meeting – Thursday, June 17 from 6:30pm-8pm DPR will hold its final virtual community meeting regarding the Shepherd Park Community Center. They will review the program survey results, provide an update on the athletic field renovations, and discuss the new facility operations. Please join the meeting at this link with access code ‘172 815 1034’ and password ‘shepherd’. SHEPHERD PTO BOARD AND LSAT ELECTION RESULTS On behalf of the PTO Nomination Committee, we would like to congratulate the parents elected to the PTO Board and LSAT for the 2021-2022 school year! Co-President: Taryn Losch-Beridon Co-President: OPEN Vice President: Sara Faulman Treasurer: Andrea Smith Assistant Treasurer: OPEN Recording Secretary: Ayana McIntosh Corresponding Secretary: Liz Bradley LSAT PARENT REPS: Dominic Ju, Julia Marnon and Rich Pohlman “Moving Up” Ceremonies – DATES AND TIMES Dr. Hedlund and the staff are also planning “moving up” ceremonies in person for each grade level so students have the opportunity to see one another before we close out the school year. Below are the dates and times for each grade level celebration.  PK3 – Fri, June 18 from 10-11 am PK4 – Fri, June 18 from 9-10 am Kinder – Fri, June 18  from 2-3 pm … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Good morning Shepherd Families, I hope you all enjoyed the hot, sunny weather this weekend. Here at Shepherd we are busy closing out this year and preparing for the next simultaneously. We are closing out employee evaluations, ordering supplies for summer and closing out this year’s budget, drafting a summer schedule, securing our professional development for pre-service and beyond, and hiring for vacancies. A huge shout out to Madame Gadie who closed out our partnership with Quebec with a beautiful showcase of students’ learning (all in twenty minutes). It was a lot of fun, and this coming week, we have 5th grade exhibitions to behold. It is such a busy time of year, but so exciting to witness the student growth. Our end of year data is coming in, and another huge shout out to the first grade teachers and all the tutors who assisted first grade students these last two terms. I have seen a lot of data, and their growth is STUPENDOUS. Stay tuned for a EOY achievement data presentation soon. Fifth grade reading proficiency rates will also knock your socks off:). So far, it appears that Shepherd students have not suffered significant learning loss, and we will be … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

5th Grade Promotion – Mon, June 21 at 10 am On Monday June 21, 2021 at 10:00 am, we will celebrate 5th grade promotion in person for all students and their families who would like to attend. The DPR field should be resurfaced by that date, but alternatively, we will use our playground space. We’re excited to get to celebrate these fabulous students and their major accomplishment! More details to come soon. “Moving Up” Ceremonies – DATES AND TIMES Dr. Hedlund and the staff are also planning “moving up” ceremonies in person for each grade level so students have the opportunity to see one another before we close out the school year. Below are the dates and times for each grade level celebration. More details coming soon. PK3 – Fri, June 18 from 10-11 am PK4 – Fri, June 18 from 9-10 am Kinder – Fri, June 18  from 2-3 pm 1st grade – Fri, June 18 from 1-2 pm 2nd grade – Tues, June 22 from 2-3 pm 3rd grade – Fri, June 18 from 11-12 pm 4th grade – Thurs, June 24 from 2-3 pm Calling all Rising Deal 6th Graders! Please sign-up for the following opportunities for rising … Read More

IB Newsletter

Shepherd ElementaryIB Newsletters

UPCOMING EVENTSStay up-to-date on all upcoming IB events June- Saying Goodbye to Our 5th Grade ClassFriday, June 4th- Classrooms Going Global Morning MeetingFriday, June 11th-Classrooms Going Global Morning MeetingFriday, June 18th- All-School Meeting FEATURED IB FAMILY CONNECTION RESOURCE 10 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Middle School IB PROGRAMME OF INQUIRY AND IB POLICIES Click here IB LEARNER ATTRIBUTE OF THE MONTH: BALANCED Click here APPROACH TO LEARNING SKILL OF THE MONTH: THINKING SKILLS Click here for family resource HAS YOUR CHILD TAKEN ACTION IN HIS OR HER COMMUNITY? Click here to nominate your child for an IB award Shepherd’s Virtual IB Programme Overview VideoWatch this video to find out more about Shepherd’s Virtual IB Programme! Contact Shepherd’s IB Coordinator, Avani Mack, for more information.

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

5th Grade Promotion – Mon, June 21 at 10 am On Monday June 21, 2021 at 10:00 am, we will celebrate 5th grade promotion in person for all students and their families who would like to attend. The DPR field should be resurfaced by that date, but alternatively, we will use our playground space. We’re excited to get to celebrate these fabulous students and their major accomplishment! More details to come soon. “Moving Up” Ceremonies for ALL GRADES Dr. Hedlund and the staff are also planning “moving up” ceremonies in person for each grade level so students have the opportunity to see one another before we close out the school year. They are researching and planning for safe celebrations for our students, so please stay tuned for details coming soon! Vote NOW for PTO and LSAT reps for SY 2021-2022 – deadline Tues, June 1 Check your email and remember to vote by Tues, June 1 at 8 pm EST. All people on the PTO AtoZ Connect email list should’ve received an email from the Nomination Committee. If you are receiving this email, you’re on the list! If you have any questions, email Thanks again to Ana Ma, Kristin Harrison and Autumn Jackson … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Families,  We are in the process of planning our end of the year activities. On Monday June 21, 2021 at 10:00 am, we will celebrate 5th grade promotion in person for all students and their families who would like to attend. The DPR field should be resurfaced by that date, but alternatively, we will use our playground space. Also in store are “move up” ceremonies in person for each grade level so students have the opportunity to see one another before we close out the school year. We currently are researching and planning for safe celebrations of our students so please stay tuned for details but we would love to have the opportunity to celebrate all of our children as we close out what has been a challenging year.  At our PTO meeting on Wednesday, I walked participants through the Panorama survey data for students and families. Once our end of the year achievement data is available, I will share it with you. Dr. Leonard and Ms. Freeman are planning our summer program for those students in need of some additional support, and they will be communicating details with those families as soon as possible.   I am saddened to inform you that Dr. Wilson is experiencing a family emergency and will have to take leave for the … Read More