Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Families, I know the beginning of the week was stressful with the announcement of two confirmed Covid-19 cases at Shepherd. Many of you reached out for more information; others just expressed concern. No news is good news on that front, and I am glad that we did not have to send additional community announcements this week. On Wednesday afternoon, faculty engaged in a Courageous Conversation during our staff meeting.Ms. Scott, fifth grade homeroom teacher, thoughtfully facilitated the meeting. We discussed developing our racial consciousness through challenging our assumptions. Next we analyzed the Four Agreements that will guide our work: (1) Stay engaged; (2) Experience discomfort; (3) Speak your truth; and (4) Expect and accept non-closure. Teachers were engaged and generously shared their experiences and insights. Our monthly faculty meetings this school year will be grounded in Glenn Singleton’s Courageous Conversations about Race. Some important announcements follow. Have a great weekend! Principal Hedlund Health Self-Assessment Thank you for your adherence to this important policy. If your child is experiencing two or more symptoms related to Covid-19, please keep them home and have them tested. It is our responsibility to keep the greater community safe and will need to follow our … Read More

Announcement from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundAnnouncements

Dear Shepherd Elementary School, This letter is to inform you that an individual who was last present at Shepherd on September 13 has since reported a positive test for coronavirus (COVID-19). The individual is no longer on campus and will not return until medically cleared. As determined by the DCPS Contact Tracing team, DC Health, and in accordance with the district’s COVID-19 health and safety guidance, unless you have received instructions directly, your student has not been identified as a close contact of the positive individual and does not need to be tested or self-quarantine. Persons for whom we know were in close contact with the positive individual were notified and provided guidance on next steps, including how any students impacted would receive instruction during quarantine. For your awareness, DC Health defines a close contact in a PK-12 setting as, “Someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes over a 24-hour period, starting from two days before illness onset (or for asymptomatic infected people, two days prior to positive test collection) until the time the infected person is isolated.” Since DCPS has layered mitigation measures in place at our schools, students who were … Read More

Announcement from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundAnnouncements

Dear Shepherd Elementary School, This letter is to inform you that an individual who was last present at Shepherd on September 9 has since reported a positive test for coronavirus (COVID-19). The individual is no longer on campus and will not return until medically cleared. As determined by the DCPS Contact Tracing team, DC Health, and in accordance with the district’s COVID-19 health and safety guidance, unless you have received instructions directly, your student has not been identified as a close contact of the positive individual and does not need to be tested or self-quarantine. Persons for whom we know were in close contact with the positive individual were notified and provided guidance on next steps, including how any students impacted would receive instruction during quarantine. For your awareness, DC Health defines a close contact in a PK-12 setting as, “Someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes over a 24-hour period, starting from two days before illness onset (or for asymptomatic infected people, two days prior to positive test collection) until the time the infected person is isolated.” Since DCPS has layered mitigation measures in place at our schools, students who were … Read More

Chancellor Note

Shepherd PTOChancellor Notes

Dear DCPS Community, Across DC Public Schools, it is exciting to see students are settling into their classes and new routines, building friendships, and connecting with their teachers. The well-being of our students and staff is our priority. We recognize that with our robust health and safety measures in place, this school year feels different for most students and families. We know families have questions, and we are committed to keeping you informed about our health and safety measures. Today’s email covers:       What happens when there is a COVID-19 positive case at your child’s school.     What to do if your child feels unwell or tests positive for COVID-19.    What should I do if my child doesn’t feel well?  Each day, families should follow our daily symptoms checklist (often referred to as “Ask. Ask. Look.”) to monitor for any symptoms of COVID-19 before your student leaves for school. If your child is not feeling well or is showing any symptoms, they should stay home.   Your school can also provide information about the learning materials available for your student while they are unwell and can arrange for an at-home technology device to be available if you need … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Good afternoon families,  Your children are enjoying being back in school. They are having a lot of fun and learning a lot. Most importantly, they are learning how to be back together again. Please continue to encourage them to maintain their distance from one another and wear their masks at all times; this is a great way to support our work in the building. We are working around some staff absences, which have been unavoidable; substitute teachers are few and far between, and staff members are demonstrating their grace and flexibility as we cover each other. Hug a teacher today (virtually). Back to School Night Back to School Night is Wednesday, September 22nd from 5:00-6:30 pm. It will be virtual. Your teacher will be in touch about scheduling since they will provide multiple sessions for our many families who have more than one student at Shepherd. The Leadership, Wellness , English Learners, Special Education and Specials teams will pre-record a message, which I will send to all of you so you can connect faces with names. In addition, I will be offering two building tours for families who were unable to attend our Open House on August 27th. Please sign … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

We hope everyone had a lovely Labor Day weekend and an AWESOME first week of school!  In this week’s PTO Bulletin… – Special PTO Board Election results -T-shirt sales and Uniform Swap this Friday morning! – Seeking Afterschool Club Leaders, Room Parents and PTO Committee Chairs – Supporting the annual Shepherd 180 Fund – Star Achievers Enrichment Programs Registration – AND MUCH MORE! Results from Special Election for Open PTO Board Positions We’re very excited to announce that we have a full PTO Executive Board for this school year!  Derek Musgrove was nominated and elected as Co-President and Alexis White as Assistant Treasurer.  THANKS to Derek and Alexis for stepping up to volunteer.  To see the rest of the board members for this year, check out our page on the new school website!  Our first full meeting will be virtual on Wed, Sept 29th at 6:30 pm. Shepherd T-shirt Sales and Uniform Swap this FRIDAY Morning! We’ll be out in front of the school selling Shepherd spirit gear and hosting the uniform swap this Friday morning – Sept 11!  We’ll have some new and older t-shirt designs for sale, and can take cash or cards. Save yourself from the white … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Families, It was a busy week full of logistical details, anticipation, and lots of fun. Most students seem thrilled to be back, and so much learning is already taking place, thanks to our highly skilled and deeply committed staff. Thank you for entrusting us with your children. As educators, our job is bigger than ever, but we have the right team to meet any and all challenges that might come our way. Enjoy your long weekend! We should have perfect weather to enjoy. Arrival Arrival goes more smoothly if students in PK-3rd grades have their Ask Ask Look logs in hand. Please help us get them in the building more quickly by helping your student with this. Dismissal Please let your child know the plan for dismissal before they enter school. For safety’s sake, 1st through 5th grade families should remain on the sidewalk. Your child’s teacher will see your sign and release your child to you. When adults enter the courtyard, it is much more difficult to maintain safe, secure conditions for dismissal. Thank you for your cooperation. Car pool If you are using the car pool lane on 14th Street, you should remain in your vehicle. Please make sure your child … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Happy First Week of School! And a BIG welcome to the PK students starting TOMORROW!  Look for your special WELCOME sign right out by the PK class entrance.  In this week’s Bulletin… – Special PTO Board Election results – PTO selling new Shepherd t-shirts THIS Friday morning – Volunteer opps – Seeking Afterschool Club Leaders, Room Parents – Supporting the annual Shepherd 180 Fund – Star Achievers Enrichment Programs Registration – Shepherd Wins New Garden Grant from Whole Kids Foundation – Immunization clinics at schools around us – AND MUCH MORE! Seeking Leaders for Afterschool Clubs Are you a gardening enthusiast wanting to pass on your green thumb? Do you love teaching your children how to cook or bake? Have a special hobby that you love to share with others? Consider leading an afterschool club for students this school year! Interested Shepherd community members should contact Dr. Hedlund directly with your club ideas at Please note that anyone wishing to volunteer at Shepherd must complete the DCPS Clearance process before a club can be initiated. Shepherd Awarded Whole Kids Foundation Garden Grant Thanks to the amazing grant writing by Siri Warkentien, we were able to secure a garden grant … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundUncategorized

Dear Shepherd Elementary School, This letter is to inform you that an individual who was last present at Shepherd on August 25, 2021, has since reported a positive test for coronavirus (COVID-19). The individual is no longer on campus and will not return until medically cleared. Upon notification of the positive case, and out of an abundance of caution, the building will be cleaned and disinfected, including classrooms, office areas, conference rooms, and other common areas. Persons for whom we know were in close contact with the individual were immediately notified and provided guidance based on DC Health and CDC guidelines. Close contact is defined as: (1) being within approximately 6 feet (2 meters) of an individual with COVID-19 for a prolonged period of time (e.g., being in the same office or classroom as a positive and symptomatic individual), or (2) having direct contact with the infectious secretions from an individual with COVID-19 (e.g., being coughed on). Note: The definition of “close contact” does not include all other individuals on the same floor or in the same building as a positive individual unless they also meet criteria (1) or (2).  Fully vaccinated people do not need to quarantine if they … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear K-5 Families, It was WONDERFUL to see you and your children at Shepherd today. Even with a downpour, your children brightened our day. Everyone is excited for school to resume on Monday. Today was also a rehearsal for opening day, and we learned from the experience. It would be challenging to screen every child in K-3 verbally on Monday so I have attached the new Look Look Ask protocol and log to this message. We also want to obtain your student’s dismissal information before they start their day. Here is how we will handle screening and collecting dismissal information at  opening day arrival for K-5 students who start school on Monday: Grades K-3 If you are able, please print out the Look Look Ask Log and fill it out Monday morning before you come to school to ease your child’s entry to the building. We will have a table for each grade where you can either return the completed log or receive one to fill out so that your child has it in hand at the entry. At the table we will also have dismissal forms to complete so we can efficiently and safely dismiss your child on Monday, … Read More