PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Good morning Shepherd families and friends, We are definitely back in full swing based on this packed PTO Bulletin! Lots of events going on today and through the next week. In this week’s PTO Bulletin… DCPS COVID-19 Town Hall – Wed, Jan 26th at 5 pm Town Hall on Vaccinations with Howard University – Wed, Jan 26th at 6 pm Town Hall on DCPS and Special Education hosted by ANC Commissioner Adofo – Thurs, Jan 27th All School Morning Meeting – Fri, Jan 28th at 9:15 am Councilmember George hosts Ward 4 meeting on education – Wed, Feb 2nd from 7-8 pm Shepherd Spring Restaurant Nights with Ledo’s and Potomac Pizza coming in Feb and March – details coming soon! Shepherd Gala and Auction – Sat, April 30th (planning in progress!) Health and Wellness Fair – May 7th Calendar of Events DCPS Town Hall – Wed, Jan 26th at 5 pm Mayor Bowser and the Administration will be providing monthly updates on the DCPS COVID-19 Protocol updates among other critical recovery efforts and district priorities. Click here to see the list of upcoming dates and to register. DC Govt and Howard University on COVID-19 TOWN HALL Join for a virtual … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Good afternoon Shepherd families and friends and HAPPY NEW YEAR! In this week’s PTO Bulletin… Jan PTO meeting – Wed, Jan 19th at 6:30 All School Morning Meeting – Fri, Jan 28th at 9:15 am Restaurant Nights – details coming soon! Shepherd Gala and Auction event (planning in progress!) Calendar of Events AND MUCH MORE! January PTO Meeting TONIGHT – Wed, Jan 19th Join us here on TEAMS at 6:30 pm this evening as we kick of 2022. We’re excited to share ideas for 2022 – Spring Gala and Auction, Jazz Night, Restaurant Nights, and the Health and Wellness Fair! If you have trouble with the link, please see the Shepherd calendar. GALA/AUCTION VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We’re looking for volunteers to help chair and plan this year’s Spring Gala/Auction. Our HOPE is to have the event in person on Saturday, April 30th. This is our BIGGEST FUNDRAISER of the school year and is a “no kids” event where we have a WHOLE lot of crazy fun too! It takes a village to put on this type of event, so if you have experience in planning events, fundraising, communications and marketing, signage, tech/AV, and/or logistics, we’d LOVE to have your help. Email … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Families, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others. In dangerous valleys and hazardous pathways, he will lift some bruised and beaten brother to a higher and more noble life.”― Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love Dr. King had the courage to dream, to create a vision, and devoted his life to make that vision a reality, even though he faced imprisonment, brutality, and death. He endured so much to lift so many. In his honor, may we teach our children to have the courage to dream, to lift others and to build a better world. They are our hope, and although our challenges are myriad, we must inspire them to be creative and courageous, not despondent, in the face of adversity because Dr. King’s work is far from done. Thank you for the continued support. Even when I have bad news to share, someone always sends a brief note thanking me for my leadership or praising our staff. Those words … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Shepherd Families, There was a lot of holiday cheer at today’s All School Meeting! Thank you to Ms. Pereira, Ms. Mack, Ms. Murali, Ms. Hagan and Dr. Leonard for bringing us so much joy this morning. They spend a lot of time rehearsing to get it just right, and because they have so much fun as a team, we have so much fun as an audience. If you missed today’s broadcast, you can see it Tuesday night 12/21 at 6:30pm here. For more holiday cheer, look here. Mr. Hernandez, Madame Gadie and Ms. Hernandez collaborated for their students to create Christmas cards. And, on December 21st, the PTO is sponsoring a celebration for staff from 3:30-4:00 pm in the courtyard. As all of you know, Covid-19 cases are spiking again. Here are a few reminders as we approach Winter Break: Reminder #1: Get vaccinated, and if eligible, get your COVID vaccination booster. Reminder #2: Practice healthy hygiene habits such as hand washing. Reminder #3: Always wear your mask unless you are eating or drinking. Reminder #4: Remember to practice physical (social) distancing. Reminder #5: Do not send your children to school if they are feeling ill or experiencingCOVIDsymptoms. Ready … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Good morning Shepherd families and friends, In this week’s PTO Bulletin… Dec LSAT and PTO Meetings – TODAY! All-School Morning Meeting celebrating “holidays around the world” – Fri, Dec 17th at 9:15 am Teacher/Staff Holiday “Sip and Sing” Event – Tues, Dec 21st Volunteers needed for the Spring Auction/Gala – next planning meeting on Thurs, Dec 16th at 7 pm Volunteers needed to help with the Summer Camp Expo! Mental Health tips and resources from Dr. Brown Thanks to our Annual Shepherd 180 Fund Donors Calendar of Events AND MUCH MORE! Dec PTO Meeting TONIGHT – Wed, Dec 15th Join us here on TEAMS at 6:30 pm this evening as we wrap up 2021. We’re excited to share ideas and updates for 2022 – Summer Camp Expo, gear sales, Spring Gala and Auction, Jazz Night, and the Health and Wellness Fair! GALA & AUCTION VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We’re looking for volunteers to help chair and plan this year’s Spring Gala/Auction. Our HOPE is to have the event in person on Saturday, April 30th. This is our BIGGEST FUNDRAISER of the school year and is a “no kids” event where we have a WHOLE lot of crazy fun too! It takes a … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlundd

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Good morning Shepherd Families, I hope you have a peaceful weekend. Tomorrow is EdFest, which will be held virtually again this year. Please remember that families are our best recruitment tool. Please feel free to refer interested families to me at any time. Please see the important announcements that follow, and take care. Principal Hedlund Picture Retake Day is Monday, December 13th Please respond to this email if your child needs a retake, and you have not communicated with me yet. Boys & Girls Basketball Coaches Needed Please contact Mr. Muskett ( if you are available to coach one of our Shepherd teams. It is an exciting year for us as we will finally be able to host home games! Each team practices two afternoons a week from 3:30-4:30. The game schedule has yet to be announced. Thanks for your consideration. Virtual Food Drive TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO GIVE As an IB school, Shepherd is committed to caring by supporting our local community and The Capital Area Food Bank.  Will you join us in donating to our Virtual Food Drive starting on Friday, November 19 – Friday, December 10th?  We want to support the United Nation’s Sustainable Development … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Good evening Shepherd families and friends, In this week’s PTO Bulletin… DCPS EdFEST – Sat, Dec 11th Ward 3 EdNet Meeting – Mon, Dec 13th Virtual Deal Open House – Tues, Dec 14th Dec LSAT and PTO Meetings – Wed, Dec 15th All-School Morning Meeting – Fri, Dec 17th Shepherd Staff Holiday Event – Tues, Dec 21st Support Shepherd’s virtual food drive now through Dec 10th VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Spring Auction/Gala Mental Health tips and resources from Dr. Brown Thanks to our Annual Shepherd 180 Fund Donors Calendar of Events AND MUCH MORE! GALA/AUCTION VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We’re looking for volunteers to help chair and plan this year’s Spring Gala/Auction. Our HOPE is to have the event in person on Saturday, April 30th. This is our BIGGEST FUNDRAISER of the school year and is a “no kids” event where we have a WHOLE lot of crazy fun too! It takes a village to put on this type of event, so if you have experience in planning events, fundraising, communications and marketing, volunteer management, donation solicitation, tech/AV, and/or logistics, we’d LOVE to have your help. Email Our next meeting will be Thursday, Dec 16th at 7 pm on this Teams link, … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Shepherd Families, What an exciting week we have had for staffing! Ms. Raji, mom to Lena, Adham and Adam, is serving as an instructional aide in PK 4 Holt, and she is fully onboarded and in the building! Ms. Oursler, third grade homeroom teacher, received her offer letter yesterday, and after observing and planning this week, she is teaching her students today! Please welcome these new members of our community and let them know how much we appreciate them. Many, many thanks to all of those who covered the gap between Ms. McCarthy and Ms. Oursler: Ms. Hagan, Ms. Romero and Ms. Weng. Those children will miss them, their outstanding teaching, abundant positivity and admirable flexibility. Our English Learners will be thrilled to have Ms. Hagan to themselves again, and our students in need will thrive with Ms. Romero and Ms. Weng. Thank you and WELCOME! Ms. Pereira, our Music teacher, is using our virtual All School Meeting for our Winter Concert this year. Please see the schedule below if you would like to dress your child in festive attire for next week’s taping. I wish it could be in person since it was so joyful two years ago. … Read More

PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Good evening Shepherd families and friends, In this week’s PTO Bulletin… DCPS Ed Fest – Sat, Dec 11th Dec LSAT and PTO meetings – Wed, Dec 15th All-School Morning meeting – Fri, Dec 17th Order your holiday greenery and support the Shepherd PTO Support Shepherd’s virtual food drive now through Dec 10th Volunteers needed – Spring Auction/Gala CONGRATS to Ms. McIntyre – our first PTO TAP recipient Thanks to our Annual Shepherd 180 Fund Donors Calendar of Events AND MUCH MORE! Get your holiday greenery here! We’re once again working with Lynch Creek Farms to give you a way to decorate for the holidays while supporting the school too! With each purchase, Lynch Creek Farms will donate 15% back to the Shepherd PTO. Click here to shop the elegant wreaths, garland, table toppers, centerpieces and accessories. Happy Holidays! GALA/AUCTION VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Do you like planning an event? Or maybe you like fundraising? Or you’re a master of logistics or marketing/communications? WE NEED YOU! It takes a village to put on an event like this and we’re looking for volunteers to help chair and plan this year’s Spring Gala/Auction. It’s our biggest fundraising event of the year and we hope to … Read More

Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Families, We all have much to be thankful for this year. Children are back in school and are in the process of being vaccinated. We are returning to some sense of normalcy in time for the holidays. We have all been through so much, and this season can be very challenging for those of us who have experienced loss. So many Shepherd community members have lost loved ones this year, and I am thinking especially of you this holiday season. When I count my blessings, I am especially grateful for our outstanding staff. It is a relief to have children back in the building where they belong, and they are glad to be here. But, each and every day, I need to ask staff members to go above and beyond, more than they usually do, to ensure the building operates smoothly. Teaching is creative, intellectual, challenging, rewarding work. At Shepherd, we are fortunate to have a highly experienced outstanding staff who serve students beyond the parameters of their classrooms daily. They offer after-school clubs, participate in a variety of committees, attend PTO meetings, problem solve logistical concerns and tutor students before- and after-school. This year, they are also covering … Read More