Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Families,

We all have much to be thankful for this year. Children are back in school and are in the process of being vaccinated. We are returning to some sense of normalcy in time for the holidays. We have all been through so much, and this season can be very challenging for those of us who have experienced loss. So many Shepherd community members have lost loved ones this year, and I am thinking especially of you this holiday season.

When I count my blessings, I am especially grateful for our outstanding staff. It is a relief to have children back in the building where they belong, and they are glad to be here. But, each and every day, I need to ask staff members to go above and beyond, more than they usually do, to ensure the building operates smoothly.

Teaching is creative, intellectual, challenging, rewarding work. At Shepherd, we are fortunate to have a highly experienced outstanding staff who serve students beyond the parameters of their classrooms daily. They offer after-school clubs, participate in a variety of committees, attend PTO meetings, problem solve logistical concerns and tutor students before- and after-school. This year, they are also covering classes and duties because of our staffing challenges. In this season of thanksgiving, thank a teacher if you can. Your words means so much more than you can even imagine.

I hope you and yours enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! Please see the important announcements that follow.

Principal Hedlund

Carpool Safety

I have received several emails that parents are double parking on 14th Street during dismissal, which is a safety concern for our community. Please do not double park.

Please remember that 14th Street on the side adjacent to the school is for carpool during arrival and dismissal. Do not use that lane to park and drop off children unless you pull all the way down to the corner of Jonquil. Otherwise, the corner at 14th and Jonquil gets very congested, and that is where families are crossing to come to school. Let’s do our best to avoid any accident that could hurt a child or an adult. Thank you!

5th grade girls travel soccer opportunity

One of our student’s siblings plays travel soccer, and her team is likely looking for 1-2 more 5th grader players. Most travel teams charge thousands of dollars, but their coach waives his fees, uses permits for public fields to keep down costs. Any 5th graders who are strong soccer players can reach out to me for more information.

Virtual Food Drive

As an IB school, Shepherd is committed to caring by supporting our local community and The Capital Area Food Bank. Will you join us in donating to our Virtual Food Drive starting on Friday, November 19 – Friday, December 10th? We want to support the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal of “Zero Hunger.” Our goal is to donate $500. There will be a cupcake party for the grade level that collects the most donations!

Please give here and record your giving for the competition here. No gift is too small.

Resources for families in need of support

Our PTO has designated funds to assist families in need with food and other essentials. If you family is in need of support, please reach out to me or contact the PTO directly at

Support our Shepherd Running Club

Ms. Caola and the running club will participate in a Thanksgiving Trot for hunger on November 25th, Thanksgiving morning. There is also the opportunity to race virtually and run a timed or untimed race in your neighborhood. Meet at Freedom Plaza at 8:30 am for the Little Turkey 1-miler. The 5K starts at 9:00 am. If you care to donate, please use your camera to scan this QR code.

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Student Art

Our temporary Art teacher, Ms. Hernandez, has created a Padlet for you to view student art. You can find it here.

Spanish Highlights

To view your student’s work in Spanish, please go here.