Message from Principal Hedlund

Dr. Phyllis HedlundPrincipal Newsletters

Principal's Newsletter

Dear Families,

I have some important updates to share…

“Aladdin” Musical Auditions:

Aladdin Auditions will be held TODAY (Thursday, December 12th) and Friday, December 13th from 3:30-4:30 in the music room. Students have been working on audition songs during music class, and they have also been told about extra practice times offered next week before the auditions. The students have also signed up for auditions and character parts they are interested in.  Some students have signed up for crew as well, but more for the crew will come after winter break. The show will be cast before winter break, and students who receive parts will go home with scripts. They will also go home with a letter that will need to be signed by their parents, as well as the students. We are very eager to start this journey with the students to make the spring show wonderful!

Community Center Groundbreaking

Good evening Shepherd Park Community!

On behalf of Mayor Muriel Bowser, DPR and DGS are pleased to announce the upcoming Groundbreaking Ceremony for the new Shepherd Park Community Center!  Please see below for event details.


Date: Tuesday, December 17th

Time: 3:00 PM

Location:  Shepherd Elementary School (7800 14th Street, NW)

Pre-K 4 Families

I apologize that some families have not received my updates about Ms. Lewis’s maternity leave and substitute coverage. According to my view in Aspen, the emails should have been to all Pre-K 4 families. If you are not receiving them, please send Ms. Brooks an email or stop by and see her when you are in the building.

Ms. Lewis is out on maternity leave until the end of the year, and we presently have Ms. O covering with Ms. Conte. We have hired Ms. Smith, a graduate of American University and Spelman College with six years experience in early childhood education, as a temporary teacher until the end of the school year. Because it took a long time to get Ms. Lewis’s leave approved, I was not able to interview candidates until the week before Thanksgiving. Ms. Smith will start as soon as she receives her formal offer letter, which is contingent on the completion of her background check. That should happen any day now. Thank you for patience through this difficult transition.

There was also concern about student:teacher ratio on today’s field trip. We had four teachers and five parents who attended today’s performance. Ms. Lewis and Ms. Holt’s class are on this trip together. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

Thank you,
