SES 16th Annual Spring Gala & Auction

Taryn Losch-BeridonEvents


Shepherd Elementary School PTA needs your help! We are just beginning the massive effort of planning and preparation for Shepherd’s 16th Annual Spring Gala and Auction.

This year’s Gala will be held on Saturday, April 25th at The Atrium at Bobby Van’s Grill in Washington, DC. Historically, the Spring Gala and Auction has been the PTA’s best fundraiser of the year, and we hope to raise over $75,000 this year to support Shepherd’s academic and enrichment programs, which will benefit all students.

I am sure that you can agree on the importance of ensuring that Shepherd has sufficient resources to remain one of the finest DC public schools serving PK3 to 5th grade students. We are asking that every member of the Shepherd Elementary community to support the Spring Gala not only by attending the event itself, but also by providing whatever amount of time and effort you can to helping make this our must successful Gala ever!

There are so many ways you can participate to help us to throw a wonderful Gala and Auction. Here are a few suggestions:

– Assist your classroom parent(s) and contribute to classroom project and basket donations – information from your classroom parent should be shared with you soon (if not, feel free to follow up with Room Parent Coordinator, Yolanda Grate at;

– Either provide or solicit donations of goods or services for the auction – a list of ideas is provided on the next page to get you thinking about possible donations; if you have an item to donate or know a business owner you would like to solicit directly for event sponsorship or donation, please complete the donation form here;

– Consider supporting the Gala as an official sponsor – rewards and recognition for various VIP ticketed sponsor levels are on our auction website;

– Volunteer to be on the Gala Planning Committee, or to assist on the night of the event – we need many hands working together to put on an event of this size and complexity;

– Attend the event! Tickets are now on sale! Early bird ticket price is $60 through March 31st, and $75 thereafter. You can also purchase “Angel” tickets to cover the cost of Shepherd teacher/staff attendance at the event. Please note that ticket/sponsorship purchases made through Handbid auction site are subject to a 3.5% credit card processing surcharge;

– ALL OF THE ABOVE! We will graciously accept any help you can provide, no matter how small, and we guarantee you will have fun and feel good helping to make our Gala one to remember!

There is already a small army working behind the scenes to get the Gala ball rolling. Should you wish to volunteer to serve on the Gala Planning Committee, or to discuss any topic related to ticket purchase, donations and sponsorships, please contact the Gala Committee directly at

Lastly, be on the lookout for continual updates in these months leading up to the Gala. Thank you all in advance for your support and, on behalf of the Gala Committee, we look forward to sharing a fun evening with all of you on 25th of April!

Liz Bradley
PTA President

– Do you know any famous Shepherd Alumni who may be willing to come back or donate time to support their Alma Mater?
– Do you know any current/retired professional athletes or other celebrities who may be willing to donate their time (e.g., tennis lessons from a former pro player)?
– Are you, or do you know, a local chef or restauranteur from whom you could solicit a donation for Shepherd?

–  Do you or someone you know work at an interesting location in DC (radio station, museum, TV station, veterinarian’s office) and could offer a “behind the scenes” tour or “job shadow” experience for auction?
– Do you know anyone in the hospitality industry throughout the US that may be willing to donate hotel stays, transportation (e.g., Amtrak, airlines), restaurant gift certs or tickets to events that could be packaged for a “getaway”auction item?
– Do you have a special skill/talent or are you an attorney, masseuse, financial planner, dentist, etc., that could donate your services?
– Would your realtor consider sponsoring the Gala?

– Do you own a boat, camper, vacation home or time share you are willing to offer for auction?
– Do you operate or frequent a business that might donate a product or service to be auctioned? Ask your favorite landscaper, handyman, painter, tutor, day spa, masseuse, or manicurist—it’s an inexpensive way for them to access new customers!
– Do you have season tickets for a local sports team?
– Are you willing to host a dinner party or join with other families to host a progressive dinner (travel house-to-house for different courses), wine tasting or other event in your home (e.g., slime party for 8 kids, anyone?)?
– Do you have frequent flyer miles or hotel reward points to donate?
– Do you have a hobby (e.g., gardening, quilting, knitting) you would be willing to teach/share and/or donate goods and services?
– Would you be willing to host a “sign-up” party to bring together a group of guests for a unique activity?

– Do you have a fantastic bottle or collection of wines or bourbons, and could part with a bottle or two to support Shepherd?
– Do you have autographed items, antiques or other collectibles like artwork you would be willing to donate?
– Do you have items you could donate for “swag bags” for VIPs?