Join us Friday, September 27th at 6:30 pm for a screening of The Secret Lives of Pets 2! Bring your blankets; come in your pajamas! There will be snacks and drinks for sale. Most importantly, a good time will be had by all.
Several of our staff members are offering special programming for our students this year. Please check out these options, with more to come soon:
Kindness Club
Is your child interested in changing our school and community by being a part of The Kindness Club at Shepherd? We will be recognizing acts of kindness at Shepherd, participating in The Great Kindness Challenge, giving back to those in need, and more! Kindness Club is for students in grades K-5.
Where? Mrs. Zepeda’s room (A101).
When? Kindness Club begins the week September 30th.
• Kindergarten – 2nd Grade: Tuesdays from 3:30 – 4:30
• 3rd Grade – 5th Grade: Thursdays from 3:30 – 4:30
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Mrs. Zepeda via email at
Culture Club
Do you enjoy learning about different cultures from around the world? Activities will include:
• Playing geography and culture games
• Art and craft activities
• Tasting different foods from countries studied
• Participating in special presentations
Where? Madame Gadie’s Room
When? Culture Club begins on Friday, October 4th from 3:30-4:00 PM
Culture Club is sponsored by Madame Gadie and Ms. Johnson and open to ALL (Spanish and French) students 2nd to 5th grade. (Only 15 spots available. First come, first served basis.)
Mustang Chorus
Shepherd Elementary School has an exciting opportunity for our 3rd through 5th grade students this 2019-2020 school year. Ms. Pereira will be starting a “Mustang Chorus” for any student that is interested and would like to be part of it. We will sing a variety of different genres throughout the year including: Broadway, Pop, Movies, Gospel plus many more. Music is very crucial part of the school year. Having the chance to do an extracurricular within the music room is a great chance. The students will get more than one opportunity to be student leaders. Ms. Pereira believes that there is music in all students. It’s her job to find the music within them and help nurture it so they can make a stronger development with that music.
Where? The music room
When? Mustang Chorus begins on October 1st from 8:00-8:30 am
If you are interested, please fill out this form or contact Miss Pereira directly at
Yearbook Club
We are looking for 6-8 self-motived and responsible students who are creative thinkers, risk-takers, and enthusiastic about Shepherd Elementary School. Using computers and digital cameras, Year Book Club members will have the opportunity to learn how to use our year book making software, take & upload digital pictures, and apply basic design/layout techniques to create a book of memories for all to enjoy.
The Year Book Club will only meet on the following dates, 3:20 – 4:20 p.m.:
• October 16, 2019
• November 20, 2019
• December 18, 2019
• January 15, 2020
• February 19, 2020
• March 18, 2020
• April 15, 2020
• May 20, 2020
If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Holt by Friday, October 4, 2019.
Year after year, we rely on the kindness and generosity of MANY Shepherd parents and family members to support our school. There are short-term and longer-term opportunities and ways to leverage your expertise or work an issue you are passionate about! To make Shepherd Elementary what we all want and dream for our children, we need YOU!
Please consider joining us in some capacity!
We are building out committees to more strategically focus on specific needs, opportunities and initiatives…and we NEED leadership and members! Below is a list of the committees with some rough outlining of direction and scope – but the sky is the limit.
Committees can certainly meet outside of the normal PTO meeting hours at a time and place that works best for the committee.
If you have interest in leading or joining a committee, please contact Liz at PTO exec board members will also be there to support each committee.
• School Advocacy (safety, security, facilities and Community Center, etc.)
• Communications (Website, Mustang e-newsletter, Facebook/Instagram, Student Directory, Bulletin boards, TV in the atrium, marquee outside of school, backpack flyers, neighborhood listserv, etc.)
• Health and Wellness (Bike to School Day, Field Day, Snacks/nutrition, etc.)
• Family Engagement (Parents “mix and mingle” events, Community events, Jazz Night, Movie Nights, etc.)
• Teacher Support (extracurricular activities, Teacher Appreciation, informal meetings with teachers frequently, etc.)
• Academics (Science opportunities for all grade levels, field trip support, PARCC support for students and teachers, etc.)
• Fundraising (Fall Fest, Spring Gala, 180 Fund, Book Fair, Restaurant nights, etc.)
Check out the sign-up genius link on the Shepherd website.
Hungry? Ever used Galley for food delivery? It’s amazing! Lots of fully cooked healthy options for everyone in the family! They deliver to your front door and all you have to do is turn on the oven to warm it up! Order this week (Sept 22-27) and help Shepherd PTO earn 20% of our sales.
On Saturday, October 19th, Shepherd Elementary School will host its fall fundraiser – Fall Fest! The event will be held at the school from 12-4 pm. There will be food, music, and games. Look for information – coming soon – from your room parents! They will be asking for parents to sign up for shift that day. Tickets will be on sale soon!
Reminder of Upcoming Dates:
• Friday, September 27th – Movie Night! The Secret Lives of Pets 2!
• Wednesday, October 2nd – Walk to School Day
• Friday, October 4th – Picture Day and World Language Information Session on Friday, October 4th from 8:00-8:40 am in the Library with Madame Gadie and Mr. Hernandez
• Monday, October 7th – Ward 3 Education Meeting
• Friday, October 11th – Parent/Teacher Conferences, no school for students
• October 15-19th – Book Fair
• Wednesday, October 16th – LSAT meeting – 4:30 pm
• Wednesday, October 16th – PTA meeting – 6:30 pm
• Friday, October 18th – All School Morning Meeting – 8:40 am
• Saturday, October 19th – Fall Fest – 12-4 pm
• Wednesday, October 23rd – Open House for Prospective Parents – 9-10 am
• Sunday, October 27th – Family Photo Shoot PTA Fundraiser
• Tuesday, October 29th – Blue 44 Restaurant Night
• Thursday, October 31st – SPCA Halloween Parade (lower field)
PTO Bulletin