All of you who’ve been asking about buying gear – especially stuff for adults…here you go! New adult and youth options with some of your favorite brands like Nike Adidas! Youth options include t-shirts, hoodies, and masks, also find stadium chairs, blankets, winter hats and tumblers…all shipped directly to your home after the end of the sale. Place orders by MON, March 22. Get your new swag here!

DPR Shepherd Rec Center Survey – please respond by Thurs, March 25
Thanks to those that offered in-person and written testimony for the DPR hearing last week and offered feedback on the Community Center.
DPR moved forward with a survey without community input and it is framed unfairly.
Please consider the following when you complete the questionnaire:
The objective of our negotiation as a parent body with DPR is to obtain fair and open access to specified areas of the DPR center both during and immediately after school, which will give Shepherd flexibility for student enrichment programs after hours, e.g., having the space dedicated such that our basketball teams may train and play games in the wonderful new gym, etc.
Wherever possible in the survey, please consider indicating times that you would be interested in using the facility (e.g., weekends, weekday evenings after 6PM, etc.) which would not conflict and, indeed, would support the position of our advocacy team that the DPR center (and field), with the exception of the fitness room, should primarily be available to Shepherd students on weekdays (including after school) during the entire school year.
Further, we call attention to the portion of the survey regarding DPR provisioning of after school childcare services and ask you to consider the implications of expression of interest in establishment of a DPR program. In the event DPR decides to formally run an aftercare program from the facility (typically done via subcontract to poorly vetted third-party vendors), this would not only limit (or potentially) eliminate any possibility that the gym space could be exclusively used by our basketball team (i.e., no hosting of games) and would potentially jeopardize operation of the SESSA moving forward.
If you haven’t seen the new Community Center yet, check out this video!
Women’s Shelter Toiletry Drive with Mrs. McIntyre – March 1-April 1
We’re helping Shepherd’s own Mrs. McIntyre with the 9th annual Women’s Shelter Toiletry Drive to help women and children in need during Women’s History Month in March.
Where: Toiletry drive bin @ main entrance of the school
Please donate the following items:
Body soap, lotion, toothpaste, toothbrushes, band-aids, deodorant, dental floss, feminine hygiene products, hair combs and brushes, cotton balls, baby powder, baby oil, and travel-size mouthwash. Additional toiletry items not mentioned are also needed. All items are donated to DASH safe housing alliance.
We’re planning a few fun and engaging activities for late March and early April to gather together as a school community to do a virtual baking class for the students, a virtual cocktail making class for adults, and even get some school pics taken of your kids in front of the school.
Our first one will be the virtual baking class for students on Saturday, April 24!
More details and sign-up info coming soon!
DEAL Middle School Mulch Fundraising Sale – starts March 8
Getting out in the yard to clean up those gardens? Get your mulch through Deal’s fundraiser. Order now and pick is slated for late March/early April. Get more info here.
Celebrate Women’s History Month with the Shepherd Park Library
During the month of March, DC Public Library will host virtual programs and provide resources to honor these contributions and provide opportunities to explore women’s issues of the past, present and future. To find out more, click here.
Tea and Chat Circle: This group will meet virtually to sip monthly featured tea and discuss affirmations within a female empowered safe space! All girls, women, and female identifying persons welcome. For more information and to register for the discussion event, please send an e-mail to
Coffee + Conversations: Join Library users, staff and local professionals for coffee and conversation. We will be discussing current issues that are of interest to the community. Our virtual meet-up will take place every second and last Thursday of each month at 10am. For more information and to register for the discussion event, please send an e-mail to
Google Suite Support: Are you new to Google and want to learn the basics of using Google Suite? Call (202-541-6100) or send e-mail to for individual appointment. These one-on-one tutorials are best for those who have basic working computer knowledge.
Documentary Film Club: This group will meet virtually to review and discuss featured documentaries! We will be discussing “Learning to Skateboard in a War Zone (if you’re a girl)” The documentary is available on Kanopy, a free streaming site provided by the DC Public Library. Please visit us here if you need a library card! The online discussion will be at 5 pm on Tuesday, March 23. For more information and to register for the discussion event, please send an e-mail to
A Look at Voter Suppression: This virtual discussion series will be held on the third Monday of each month at 7pm. Conversations will be had about voting as a civil right, vote by mail restrictions, and more. Are you politically active or knowledgeable on matters of voting? If so, we would like to invite you to lead a discussion as a guest speaker! If you would like to be a speaker or receive the link to the meeting, email shepherdparklibrary@…
Black Voices Book Club: The Black Voices Book Club meets every month to discuss novels authored by Black people from all over the world! If you would like to attend the next meeting and get ahead on the next book, please email shepherdparklibrary@…
Teen Book Club: This month we will be reading a suggestion from one of you, I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver. We welcome all those who are interested in joining regardless of age! We will be meeting virtually on March 29th at 5pm. If you would like to join the club or get more information, please email shepherdparklibrary@…
March Teen Craft: We will be creating crafts that celebrate Women’s History Month, Holi, St. Patrick’s Day, and the beginning of Spring! If you would like to celebrate these holidays through craft, please come to the Shepherd Park Library to pick up a bag!
March Activity Bags are available for pick up! The bags include 3-4 crafts, crafts supplies and decorations, book recommendations, and coloring pages. The recommended age 2 years and older.
Family Movie Night: Our movie night bundles are doing great! We have pre-made bundles with a DVD, coloring/activity pages, and a bag of popcorn for you to pick up! If you have a particular movie that you would like to see included in a bundle for your family, email shepherdparklibrary@…
Upcoming Important Dates:
March 24 – Shepherd PTO meeting – 6:30 pm
April 12-16 – Spring Break
April 21 – Shepherd PTO meeting – 6:30 pm
April 24 – “Spring Fling” virtual baking class
May 31 – Memorial Day holiday