Hi everyone – we’re busy around here these days and super excited by all the fun things we have planned! Thanks for your help, participation, support and donations. Looking forward to an AMAZING Fall FEST on Oct 20!
Walk to School Day TODAY – GREAT SUCCESS!
Thanks to everyone who joined us for Walk to School Day and for the PTA Health and Wellness Committee for organizing! We had roughly 60 parents and students join from 3 locations. It was fun to meet new friends and get some exercise in this morning. Check out our Facebook page @Shepherd Elementary School DC to see some great pics from the event.
PTA MEETING – Wed, Oct 17 at 6:30 pm
Just a reminder, we’ll be meeting next Wednesday in the Multipurpose Room to discuss Fall Fest, Parent Survey results, upcoming PTA activities/events and Q1 PTA Teacher Assistance opportunities.
FALL FEST – 10 days and counting…Sat, Oct 20 from 12-4 pm
Don’t wait in line to buy tickets…get your Family Sponsorship package and other pre-sale tickets NOW – https://www.shepherd-elementary.org/fall-fest/
Sign up for volunteer shifts at your child’s class station – https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0e4eaeae29a1fc1-shepherd
Coco Movie Night – Fri, Nov 2 at 6:30 pm in the Multipurpose Room
The PTA is hosting a Movie Night to screen Coco in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month and Dia de los Muertos. Wear your PJs, bring a blanket or folding chair, and come enjoy some snacks and the movie! Doors open at 6:15 pm and the movie will start at 6:30 pm. Concessions will be available for purchase and we will take donations at the door. Open to all!
BOOK FAIR – starts tomorrow!
The Scholastic Book Fair will be at school beginning tomorrow through Oct 22. You can order online, shop before next week’s PTA meeting (Wed, Oct 17) and at Fall Fest, or students may purchase during their lunch/recess time next week. Remember, money made from the Book Fair goes to buy more books for the school library!
To buy at school, visit the Book Fair in Mrs. Hagan’s room (right by the Kindergarten classes) or buy online: http://www.scholastic.com/bf/shepherdes
Our librarian, Ms. Anderson, is looking for volunteers to help staff the Book Fair the following dates and times:
Set up the Book Fair on Thursday, 10/11 from 9:30-11:30 am in Mrs. Hagan’s Room
Work the Book Fair for Fall Fest on Saturday, 10/20 during the hours of 12:30-3:30 pm
Assist with packing up on Monday, 10/22 between 9:30-10:40 am
Work the Book Fair on 10/17 during the hours of 3:30-6:00 pm before the PTA meeting
Help students during the Book Fair Preview Days (10/11 from 11:30-2:30) and (10/12 from 12:00-1:30)
Uniform Exchange @ Fall Fest
Bring in your clean, gently used uniform items to the drop off boxes in the Atrium by this Friday (Oct 12) so they can be sorted and ready for the uniform exchange. Look for the uniform exchange table at Fall Fest to pick up some donated items! Thanks to Kori Heyward for spearheading!
Last call for Shepherd hoodie orders – Friday at 3 pm
Send Liz Bradley an email (shepherdptapresident@gmail.com) to place your order by Friday, Oct 12 at 3 pm! Hoodies will be delivered at the Fall Fest gear booth!
• Kids magazines for DEAR time in the mornings (drop off in the boxes in the Multipurpose room)
• Legos, lego boards, lamps, and Android chargers for tablets from Ms. Anderson (librarian)
PTO Bulletin