Well, you’re getting the Wednesday PTA Bulletin on Thursday thanks to Halloween! Hope everyone had a FUN and SAFE night…and we hope you all stop by tomorrow evening for a movie, popcorn and snacks at school!
“Coco” Movie & PJ Night – TOMORROW – Friday, Nov 2 – 6:15 pm (doors open)
Come join us for a low-key movie night to watch “Coco” at school tomorrow, Friday, Nov 2. We invite you to wear your PJs, bring a blanket or a folding chair, buy some popcorn and come have fun! Doors open at 6:15 pm and movie starts at 6:30 pm in the Multipurpose room. The event is FREE and open to all! Concessions and Shepherd gear will be on sale, and donations are welcome.
Bulb Planting – Saturday, Nov 10 – 9 am-noon
Bring your whole family to the fall bulb planting at Shepherd. We will be planting bulbs, weeding, cleaning, and preparing the gardens for the winter. We will have a few shovels and gloves, but feel free to bring your own and/or a package of daffodils, tulips, hyacinths to add to the mix. Thanks to Simon Messing and Julia Marnon Lipton for organizing!
Lynch Creek Farms Holiday Fundraiser
Lynch Creek Farms offers elegant, hand-crafted evergreen products such as wreaths, garland, and centerpieces, and will give 20% back to Shepherd Elementary PTA for every purchase made through our school’s “store.” Click here to browse and shop -https://www.lcffundraising.com/teams/159356-shepherd-elementary-school-parent-teacher-association?fundraiser_id=811694
Products are made with only the freshest noble fir, Western red and incense cedar, juniper, and white pine, sustainably harvested from the foothills of the Olympic and Cascade Mountains.
All orders to the continental US include FREE SHIPPING, and products make great gifts to send to friends, family, and business clients during the holiday season!
Consider sharing the link (http://www.lcffundraising.com/c/159356) to your social media page(s), or via email with friends and family to help spread the word about our sale.
Deadline for orders is December 16th, 2018.
Shop your favorite brands and purchase gift cards through FlipGive to raise money for Shepherd PTA – up to 25% back from over 400 merchants!
Participating merchants include: Apple iTunes, Etsy, Crate & Barrel, Pottery Barn, Nike, Under Armour, Gap, Old Navy, Sephora, Bed Bath & Beyond, and many more.
FOR THE NEXT 5 DAYS ONLY, FlipGive is offering bonus cashback to the Shepherd PTA from all merchants (e.g., 12% back for UnderArmour purchases vs 3% everyday returns for Shepherd PTA). It’s a great excuse to get your holiday shopping started early!!
Shutterfly & Tiny Prints for Shepherd PTA
Shutterfly, the leader in personalized photo products, offers a wide range of photo books, gifts, home décor collections, and unlimited FREE photo storage. Tiny Prints offers luxe designs from top stationery designers.
Get a head start on your holiday gifts and card orders, and Shepherd PTA receives 13% commission on all purchases made through the school’s storefront. Place orders HERE.
Primary.com Shepherd Give Back Program – Buy clothing and Shepherd PTA gets $$$
It’s getting chilly…so it’s officially time to buy some warm school clothes for the kids! Primary.com has lots of great quality green, navy, yellow and white options for cooler school days! 10% of all sales come back to Shepherd PTA! Easy money! You can even buy other items in other colors and we still get the 10% back to school!
Visit http://www.primary.com/school/shepherd and first-time Primary.com shoppers should use our school’s 20% off for first-time customer promo: SHEPHERD
PTO Bulletin