Hello Mustang Parents,
The results from our Parent PTA Survey we fielded in Sept/Oct told us you want to hear more about what the PTA does and spends money on during the year. So, in response…here is a short overview of our activities and efforts so far this year! We really appreciate your support, engagement, response, and confidence as we’ve gotten started and are now moving quickly.
We have A LOT planned for the rest of November and December, so make sure to scroll down to the calendar!
Many thanks and appreciation,
Liz Bradley
Launched the PTA Teacher Assistance Program:
GOAL – Formalize and bring more equity to teacher requests for PTA support, includes classrooms, specials, teams, special projects, etc.
Q1 requests funded:
PK3 – supplies/materials for both classes
PK4 – magazine subscriptions for both classes; VGA Smart Board cord for Mrs. Holt
PE – basketball pump for Mr. Langrock
Music – 30 headphones for keyboards in the music room
Special Education – reading intervention program for grade levels K-5
Q2 forms due on Dec 15; we have a budget of $1000 per quarter to fulfill requests
Funding Teacher Wish Lists:
We did SO WELL at Fall Fest, that we’re able to increase the amount we had budgeted and can now begin to fulfill Wish Lists.
More than $4,000 to be distributed between ALL the teachers over the next few weeks!
Launched PTA Field Trip Support:
GOAL – Make sure every student goes on at least 1 field trip this school year.
PTA-sponsored Field Trips so far this year:
PK4 – Green Meadows Pumpkin Patch trip – Oct
3rd grade – U.S. Capitol trip – Nov
We are covering 1 field trip per grade level up to $1000 per trip and are working with the teachers from the other grades to schedule their PTA-sponsored trips!
Renewed Fundraising Efforts:
GOAL – Develop new and renewed fundraising efforts, including new and creative events at school, as well as reviving and marketing existing programs like Amazon Smile and Box Tops.
Fall Fest
Spring Gala
Movie Nights – doing several more the rest of the year
Parents Night Out @Shepherd
Paint and Sip Nights @Shepherd
Restaurant Nights – Chipotle, Potbelly, etc.
Donuts and Coffee – Election Day
Shepherd Gear
Amazon Smile
Box Tops
Primary.com clothing, Lynch Creek Farms holiday, Flipgive etc.
Just from Fall Fest, we raised more than $17,500 and netted about $11,000…so we are well ahead of our fundraising pace for the year and only plan to do more!
Improve and Increase Communication Efforts:
GOAL – Communicate with parents more frequently and consistently with school and PTA information.
We are doing more and sharing more! Look for us in these many channels…
Facebook @ShepherdElemPTA
Shepherd Elem Website – www.shepherd-elementary.org
Bulletin Boards in the lobby and outside of the Jonquil Street entrance
Instagram @shepherd_elem_dc
PTA Wednesday Bulletin email
Sunday Mustang email by Ms. Brawley
AtoZ Connect Digital Backpack (electronic flyers)
Hardcopy monthly calendar going home in folders
• Nov 20 – Shepherd Shirt Sale at school – 3:15-6:00 pm in the Atrium
• Nov 26 – 2nd graders to bring in Monthly Teacher and Staff breakfast – 7:30-8:30 am
• Nov 30 – Paint and Sip night with Mr. Garner @Shepherd from 6:30-9:30 pm
• Dec 3 – Bake Sale to raise $$ for Shepherd Park Citizen Association (SPCA) gift giving program for homeless and shelter children – 3:15-6:00 pm
• Dec 7 – Parents Night Out@Shepherd – details to come
• Dec 12 – DCPS Budget Hearing – details to come
• Dec 15 – Teacher Appreciation Holiday Party at Busboys and Poets – details to come
• Dec 16 – Deadline for Lynch Creek Farms holiday fundraiser
• Dec 17 – Monthly Teacher and Staff Breakfast (brought in by ALL grades)
• Dec 19 – PTA meeting at 6:30 pm
Lynch Creek Farms Holiday Wreaths, Trees and Garland
Lynch Creek Farms offers elegant, hand-crafted evergreen products such as wreaths, garland, and centerpieces, and will give 20% back to Shepherd Elementary PTA for every purchase made through our school’s “store.” Click here to browse and shop – https://www.lcffundraising.com/teams/159356-shepherd-elementary-school-parent-teacher-association?fundraiser_id=811694
You can schedule the delivery of your order and all orders to the continental U.S. include FREE SHIPPING. These products make great gifts to send to friends, family, and business clients during the holiday season!
Consider sharing the link (http://www.lcffundraising.com/c/159356) to your social media page(s), or via email with friends and family to help spread the word about our sale.
Deadline for orders is December 16th, 2018.
Shop your favorite brands and purchase gift cards through FlipGive to raise money for Shepherd PTA – up to 25% back from over 400 merchants!
Participating merchants include: Apple iTunes, Etsy, Crate & Barrel, Pottery Barn, Nike, Under Armour, Gap, Old Navy, Sephora, Bed Bath & Beyond, and many more.
Shutterfly & Tiny Prints
Shutterfly, the leader in personalized photo products, offers a wide range of photo books, gifts, home décor collections, and unlimited FREE photo storage. Tiny Prints offers luxe designs from top stationery designers.
Get a head start on your holiday gifts and card orders, and Shepherd PTA receives 13% commission on all purchases made through the school’s storefront. Place orders HERE.
Primary.com Shepherd Give Back Program
Everything is 25% OFF plus free shipping at Primary during the first ever Friends + Family event! Use code SCHOOLTHANKS and shop now while earning 10% back for Shepherd PTA with this link: www.primary.com/school/shepherd. It’s the perfect time to stock up on holiday PJs, dress clothes, and all things cozy!
PTO Bulletin