Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and a lovely and restful time with your family and friends. The Shepherd PTA would like to THANK YOU for ALL your support and hard work so far this year and say one more time how thankful we are to have such an engaged and supportive parent community! Cheers!
All the best,
Liz Bradley
Shepherd PTA President
Shopping for Shepherd – Amazon
Before you start getting crazy online on Black Friday and Cyber Monday on Amazon, make sure you have Shepherd’s Amazon Smile link in your browser. .5% of every purchase goes back to Shepherd…every little bit helps!
As you finish year-end donations or have an employer that is doing corporate matches or an employee giving campaign, we’d love for you to consider Shepherd PTA as one of your charities of choice. Donate to the 180 Fund and your teachers and children will thank you! The Shepherd Elementary School PTA is a 501(c)(3) tax- exempt organization. Tax ID No. 47-0879109.
Monthly Teacher and Staff Breakfast – Mon, Nov 26 – Second Grade
Hey Second Grade Families – it’s your turn this month to bring in the monthly teacher and staff breakfast. Here is the sign-up link and many thanks to those who are bringing in items. Drop off between 7:30-8:30 am in the Resource Room behind the main office area.
This is for all Shepherd teachers and staff…and they REALLY appreciate it! A little kindness goes along way here…
Paint, Sip and Support – Fri, Nov 30 at 6:30 pm
Join 25 of your parent friends and Mr. Garner for an evening of painting (and wine!) to support Shepherd! $30 per person and max is 25 people to fit in the art studio comfortably. Sign up before all the spots are taken! Snacks and wine will be provided; but feel free to bring a bottle to share! Meet in the Art Room by 6:30 pm.
Toys for Tots Drive @Shepherd
The Brownie Troops at Shepherd Elementary will be hosting a toy drive for Toys for Tots over the next two weeks.
The toy and book drive starts now and runs through Friday, Dec 7 and they are collecting only new and unwrapped toys and books for children ages 0-13. No toy weapons, please. Drop off items in the big white boxes near the main doors.
Nov 26 – Monthly Teacher breakfast – Second Grade Families – 7:30-8:30 am in the Resource Room
Nov 27 – Make-up School Picture Day for students
Nov 30 – Paint, Sip and Support event – 6:30 pm in the Art Room
Dec 3 – Bake Sale to raise $$ for Shepherd Park Citizen Association (SPCA) gift giving program for homeless and shelter children – 3:15-6:30 pm in the Atrium
Dec 7 – Parents Night Out @Shepherd – details to come
Dec 12 – DCPS Budget Hearing/Forum – details to come
Dec 17 – Monthly Teacher and Staff Breakfast – brought in by ALL grades
Dec 19 – Teacher Appreciation Holiday party and PTA meeting at 6:30 pm (childcare and pizza provided for children)
Dec 19 – Six Flags Reading Logs due
Dec 24-Jan 1 – Winter Break
PTO Bulletin