Student Awards Ceremony – Friday, Feb 15
The quarterly awards ceremony will be next Friday, Feb 15 in the Multipurpose Room. Time will be announced shortly. You will also be receiving information for your teachers about award recipients.
Monday, February 11 at 7 pm at Cleveland Park Library – Ward 3 Feeder Education Network Meeting
Deputy Mayor for Education Paul Kihn will be joining to share his thoughts and answer questions. And Acting Chancellor Ferebee may stop by as well.
Note: This is the group of parents/school reps from Ward 3 schools that meets monthly to talk about issues such as: dealing with Deal and Wilson feeder school issues around overcrowding, school enrollment projections, school facility use and projections, and the need for better schools across the city. All are welcome!
Friday, February 15 – Valentine’s Dance at Shepherd – 3:30-5:30 pm
We’re looking for a few volunteers to help chaperone the dance next Friday from 3:30-5:30. Please let me know if you’re interested and available – Thanks to Sam and Gwen Washington for sponsoring this year’s event.
Tuesday, February 19 from 6pm to 8:30pm at the Juanita Thornton Library – Introduction and Community Conversation with Ward 4 SBOE Frazier O’Leary about the State of DCPS Secondary Education Options
Come out from 6-6:30pm to meet and greet Ward 4’s SBOE representative Frazier O’Leary, who will explain the role of a SBOE representative in DC, describe the current state of DCPS secondary education options for Shepherd Park, Colonial Village, and North Portal Estates, provide some information on the proposed Ward 3 DCPS Feeder options and what tools are available to our community, and last but not least of all Q&A.
Note: As this was scheduled during the DCPS Feb break, we are going to ask Mr. O’Leary to come to a future PTA meeting to talk more with us.
Fri, March 1 at 6:30 pm – Jazz Night
Mark your calendars now! Thanks to the direction of Dr. Michael Wallace, we’ll be hosting our 30th Annual Jazz Night at Shepherd Elementary!
Come enjoy awesome jazz music with the family, bring a potluck dish to share, and meet new families and friends. A potluck sign-up link will be shared soon via this email and Room Parents.
Have you missed the past few PTA meetings, we have all the minutes archived here.
Next meeting is Wed, Feb 27 at 6:30 pm. We’ll have Deal Principal, Diedre Neal, with us to talk about transition to middle school and all about what is going on at Deal!
And make sure to like our Facebook Page @ShepherdElemPTA for even more news, pics and updates!
The PTA continues to fund Teacher Wish lists
We’ve recently provided Mrs. Hagan with a new book series for teacher and staff support, Ms. Butler with educational in-classroom materials, and Mrs. Zepeda and Ms. Wilson with RAZ KIDS online reading and math subscriptions for the 4th grade classes. We continue to reach out to our teachers to see how we can best support them!
Shepherd Yearbook Cover Winner Announced
Thanks to all who entered the contest this year!
1st place cover winner: Henry Goldblatt from Ms. Wilson’s class
Runner up: Olivia Dennis from Mrs. Holt’s class
Honorable mentions: Audrey Kain, Samantha Henry, Daniel Messing, Noelani Daniels, Cifani Dakka, and Kennedy Proctor
Even though your picture did not get chosen for the cover does not mean it will not appear somewhere inside the yearbook. If you have not ordered, do so today! Cost is $17.99.
And send photos to Ms. Holt to be included in the yearbook –
Looking for Spring clothes…shop to benefit Shepherd!
If you’re on the hunt for more shirts or shorts for Spring, shop our school store to benefit the Shepherd PTA. From every purchase, we get 10% back to the school! And you can buy ANYTHING on Primary’s site to get us credit, not just uniform items! Just use the link above so they can track your purchases back to Shepherd.
Upcoming Events
Feb 11 – Ward 3 Feeder Ed Network meeting at Cleveland Park Library
Feb 15 – Awards Ceremony
Feb 15 – Valentine’s Dance from 3:30-5:30 in the Multipurpose Room
Feb 17 – 21 – DCPS BREAK
Feb 19 – SBOE meeting with Frazier O’Leary at Shep Park Library
Feb 25 – Mayor’s Budget Engagement Forum – Roosevelt High School
Feb 27 – PTA meeting at 6:30 pm with guest speaker Deal Principal, Diedre Neal
March 1 – “Ferebee Friday” Meet and Greet with the new Acting DCPS Chancellor – Qualia Coffee on Georgia Ave (8-9:30 am)
March 1 – Jazz Night at 6:30 pm
March 11 – Ward 3 Feeder Ed Network meeting at Tenleytown Library
March 8 – No School/Parent Teacher Conferences
March 20 – Health and Wellness Fair and PTA meeting at 6:30 pm
April 8 – Ward 3 Feeder Ed Network meeting
April 15-19 – Spring Break
April 24 – PTA meeting at 6:30 pm
April 26 – Academic Carnival May 4 – 15th Annual Shepherd Auction and Gala
PTO Bulletin