Dear Shepherd Community,Greetings! I hope you all are enjoying a restful and relaxing summer with your families and I am excited to meet you in person very soon.I officially joined the Shepherd community on July 24th and have spent the previous few days getting to know staff, recruiting and interviewing for our vacant positions. We are welcoming an energetic group of new hires and I feel lucky to lead such a hardworking and caring staff. New staff bios will be featured on the website in the coming weeks, so please stay tuned to learn more about the new hires of 2022!Below please find some updates as to where we are so far this summer and where we are going.VacanciesWe still have a few remaining vacancies to fill. Those include, (2) paraprofessional, (2) custodians, World language teacher, 2nd grade teacher and 5th grade ELA teacher.Class ListsI am still working on finalizing class lists that Dr. Hedlund passed over. I hope to have them out by the week of 8/12. I’d ask you to refrain from contacting your child’s new teacher until the week of August 22nd. Our teachers need the summer break to recharge and refocus so that they can continue … Read More