PTO Bulletin

Shepherd PTOPTO Bulletins

Shepherd Elementary School logo

Hi Mustang Parents – a few more important messages to be aware of related to the school and budgets! Stay tuned for more info!

NEW DC School STAR Report Card Rating

Tomorrow, OSSE and DCPS will be releasing a new School Report Card system, including a STAR Rating, and Principal Brawley will be coming to the Wed, Dec 19th PTA meeting to talk about the new program and Shepherd’s rating. See here for more

Dec 12 DCPS Budget Engagement Community Forum – Janney Elem at 6 pm

Parent, Grandparents and Community Members – we are going to need your support as we fight for more budget Shepherd in the FY20 budget! The first community forum is on Wed, Dec 12 at 6 pm at Janney Elementary.

The School Advocacy Committee is working on draft testimony and talking points. We will be sharing very soon how you can support – but mark your calendars to attend, ask questions, and push for more support for Shepherd Elementary! If we don’t show up, we won’t get what we want!

Below is the timeline for how and when the final DCPS budgets get approved. Click here for more info.

  • Parent and Community Input Begins (November and December)
    The Chancellor kicks off the collaborative budget development process with Chancellor Forums, Advisory Boards, a student budget hearing, and a public budget hearing.
  • Additional Parent and Community Engagement (January)
    DCPS invites the community to learn about and provide feedback on the budget through various channels – surveys, online forums, Chancellor’s Advisory Boards, and LSAT Community Forums.
  • School Budget Allocations (February – March) DCPS develops initial budgets using projected revenue and enrollment support. Principals receive their budget allocations and construct their budgets in collaboration with LSATs and their school community.
  • Final DCPS Budget (March)
    DCPS submits final school budgets and the central office budgets to the Mayor.
  • DC Government Budget Finalized (March)
    The Mayor presents the DC government budget to the DC Council.

Parents’ Night Out @Shepherd – TOMORROW (Fri, Dec 7) – 6:30-10 pm

Go out holiday shopping, enjoy a date night or just stay home and enjoy some peace and quiet! There is still time to register for our first Parents’ Night Out! $40 for one child, $30 for a sibling and the cost includes pizza, drink and a treat! Kids can watch movies, play games, do arts and crafts and play in the gym. Open to all children PK3-5th grade – not just Shepherd students! Click here to register.

Holiday Party for the Teachers and Staff on Wed, Dec 19 from 4-6 pm @Shepherd

Attention ROOM PARENTS: We’re doing a holiday party for all the teachers and staff on Wed, Dec 19 from 4-6 pm. If you can help organize, support or staff, please contact Raven Padget at

DEC 20th SAVE THE DATE – our next Shepherd Restaurant Night Out is Thursday, Dec 20th at Mama Lucia’s in the Blairs Shopping Center. More details coming soon! 

Other Upcoming Dates:

Dec 7 – Parents Night Out@Shepherd 

Dec 12 – DCPS Budget Hearing/Forum – details to come

Dec 17 – Monthly Teacher and Staff Breakfast (brought in by ALL grades)

Dec 19 – Teacher Appreciation holiday party/PTA meeting at 6:30 pm

Dec 19 – Six Flags Reading Logs due

Dec 20 – Mama Lucia Restaurant Night

Jan 11 – Yearbook cover contest deadline

Jan 31 – Science Project Fair@ NOAA